@National Hockey League

Normal hockey families hate this one simple trick 🧠

Normal hockey families hate this one simple trick 🧠

by subhuffer


  1. Yegfixitguy

    If you’re incredibly talented, elite programs can find a way to get you in, but for every The Blind Side situation, there’s a lot of kids that don’t get a shot. Soccer, and football, are a lot easier for less affluent kids to get a shot. It is what it is.

  2. dobbyeilidh

    The cream rises to the top, but it helps if you’re rich cream

  3. lowendslinger

    Bang on…with other kids it helps if you have an NHL dad / uncle / relative too. But money means your kid can get additional training, better equipment and more ice time.

    This pushes your kid ahead of those with more raw talent.

    So, no…talent doesn’t always rise to the top. It usually sinks to the bottom if you don’t have money or connections.

  4. Vic_Hedges

    What seriously is the point of this other than simple jealousy?

    Welcome to the real world, where money affords opportunity.

  5. nostrils_on_the_bus

    I’ll admit the NHL’s Hockey is for Everyone campaign is total bullshit. I know they’re trying to be inclusive and show that there’s no race in hockey, good on them. The slogan would be on point if it were changed to Hockey is for Everyone Who can Afford it.

  6. ChuckFeathers

    Yes rich people have advantages in every aspect of life, always have always will. And yet lots of very successful people in many occupations come from humble beginnings. Thousands of kids play junior hockey every year, they aren’t all privileged, don’t let that kind of thinking defeat your dreams before they even begin.

  7. KroganTiger

    It sucks, but it is what it is. In soccer, you need a field and a ball, maybe a net. Hockey is just a really difficult sport to supply… equipment costs, rink costs, zambonis, skates, sticks, gloves, pucks, transportation… it’s just an unfortunate situation for the sport.

  8. M888887777

    I’ve always said. We’ll never truly know who the greatest hockey player in the world is. It’s probably some kid that never had the opportunities to play as much as other kids whose parents have them in camps, training every day during the week

  9. Ellogovna11

    Played hockey growing up but as I got into high school with travel teams and such, I could see my dad taking more overtime and talking about the insane amount of money it costs for ice time and everything else. I decided to play a different sport due to the financial burden, it’s simply not an option for a lot of people and I’m surprised we were able to pull it off at all

  10. michaelmccandles

    It’s true tho. Not sure how it is in Canada, but in the US if you play hockey you are most likely loaded.

  11. Sauronsindexfinger

    Well you need a sheet of ice so…

  12. As much money as possible,

    Underrated expense; Camps

    Hockey has no offseason

  13. HappySeaTurtle15

    My favourite sport is hockey.. but whenever my friends complain and don’t understand why hockey isn’t as popular as soccer, basketball and baseball.. it’s pretty obvious. Hockey at higher levels is realistic for about .2% of the world population. Maybe 5-10% of North America.

    Literally everyone can make a net and find a ball of some sort. For this reason hockey will never ever see the popularity of the other sports.

    Hockey is Canadas sport and football is the United States. Both require lots of money. Football is bigger because the US is bigger.

  14. Sweatywalrus85

    “That $500 stick which is half a gram lighter than the $200 is totally worth it!”… some rich kid

    (Players as a community don’t help our cause when we allow companies to charge us exorbitant prices for gear that is made in China. Don’t ever buy gear at full price.)

  15. Trick-Alternative37

    Is that a skating treadmill in their basement?!?!

  16. bschmidt25

    Affordability seems to be extremely regionally dependent. I know what some friends and family pay for club dues in the Midwest compared to what we pay here for my kid and it’s about four times more here in Arizona. We get quite a bit of ice time, it’s a long season, and there is financial assistance available. But in absolute dollars it’s still a significant cost – much more than many families are willing to commit. This doesn’t even count all of the other ancillary costs we’re familiar with (equipment, outside lessons, camps, etc.). And it shows… Most of the parents are doctors, lawyers, real estate developers, investment bankers, etc. and the kids attend some of the best private schools in the area. There are a few families from more modest means, but they’re outnumbered.

    Me: That’s enough internet for today

  18. JWHY1975

    10,000 hours of practice plus being born early in the year attribute to success.

  19. First_Tumbleweed_804

    Difficult to tell the kids this one, but it truly is the only way. AND. If you don’t live near a city centre…you better find a way to get the kids playing there or they will not get noticed.

  20. frankrocksjesus

    …..And not necessarily in that order

  21. BigBobFro

    The further south you go,.. the more expensive that used hockey gear becomes,… so even then its not as accessible.

    I wanted to, growing up near DC, but parents couldnt afford it, so i played lacrosse instead. Thankfully my HS literally providing everything save cleats and a stick. Rec lax progams at the time werent bad, but they are all but non-existent. Its all club stuff and its all $1k+ per season and that is assuming you have your own gear,.. but better make sure you have the right colors for you club teams and for your HS team too.

  22. AggressivelyGary

    I was never allowed to play ice hockey growing up because of the costs. I started playing when I was 25 and now I’m a beer league legend in my 40s who is still trying to make it/make up for missing my big shot at making the show lol

  23. MrThird312

    I mean, I get the point, yes, if you have money, you have a better chance, but Gretzky was great and didn’t have any of this shit.

    There’s plenty of people with money, and still shit at hockey though

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