@National Hockey League

Will all 3 retire with their current team?

Will all 3 retire with their current team?

by Get-Cancelled


  1. GoPensGo8758

    I think Minnesota is the least likely to win a cup and I doubt all 3 retire where they currently are. Matthews probably ends up re-signing but it’s still up in the air, McDavid I see re-signing and if the Wild are bad when Kaprisovs deal ends I see him leaving

  2. throwawayjabroniboy

    Don’t ruin my day like this, we just got Kaprizov after waiting so long.

  3. mhibew292

    The funny thing is, no one really knows. Hockey’s a funny game. All it takes is a hot goalie here, a player getting hot there, a streaking team at the right time. It’s just a shame that players like these can’t have more loyalty to their teams anymore. Fans do their part for sure. Unfortunately it doesn’t go both ways. Guess I’m too old fashioned

  4. shittybillz

    I think Auston is most likely to leave. Not because of the cup, because he’s American and Americans tend to like playing in the USA more. He signed a 5 year deal instead of a 8 year deal because he’s going to weigh options.

    The leafs will have a decent shot to re-sign him, and they may, but he will definitely take a look at his options and visit other teams

  5. MiloGoesToTheFatFarm

    Don’t bring Russian baby Jesus into this

  6. Fun_One3022

    Kaprizov will stick around for a while. I don’t see him jumping ship

  7. BannedRemovedDeleted

    I think that Toronto has all the pieces to win. Offensively they are great. Goaltending has been pretty good this year too. They just need to tighten up on defense. The Oilers will not win with McDavid if they fail to fix all the holes in the roster and they are struggling with Cap space. Minnesota is a good team but similar to Edmonton they have holes to fix. So to answer your question. Connor and Karill would have to look elsewhere for a shot at Lord Stanley!

  8. jordynbebus8

    the Wild will have some core peace’s in the next 3-4 years to be contenders.

  9. Vampyr_Luver

    If I were them – McDavid. Ken Holland has just turned the Oilers into the overpaid former Leafs convention and it doesn’t matter what McDrai does, they can’t win a cup without the other 18 guys on their team being at least half decent.

  10. christianANDshantel

    Mathews returns as the prodigal son, takes the Coyotes to the “Promised Land”

  11. legend-780

    In what fucking world is Kaprizov comparable to the other two?

  12. BJoonamus88

    Toronto has most potential and Matthews is the heart of that team. McDavid needs to get out of Oilers

  13. Jb42000000

    Don’t forget about teammate/friend appreciation Mathews and Marner belong together. Off ice Mathews also spending off season with, sadly friend, Justin bieber, a la staple but big time Canadian. That gos for McDavid and Draisaitl aswell.

  14. Lanthemandragoran

    Can NJ just have one or all of them please? I just want one more unser 25 shiny card on the team so they can become scarier.

  15. Pure_Moose

    McDavid has the most integrity. TO will do something to pass of Mathews and he’ll head to the states. Kiril is good but Minnesota won’t win a cup until they aren’t paying half of their cap to players not playing for them.

  16. CrossCreasePass

    Leafs fans will say McDavid, Oilers fans will say Matthews and no one really thinks about Minnesota lol

  17. Moosehagger

    Pffft. As if the Leafs will ever win. Easy answer. Matthews.

  18. Krazy1878

    I think the Wild will keep (or try to keep) Kaprizov for his career. I don’t see them giving a 13 year contract (Parise and Suter) ever again. Maybe 3-5 year contracts w/ 3 year extensions.

    Matthews? I don’t know, I think he’s pretty entrenched with Toronto and he’s great as the face of that franchise.

    McDavid – dang, I want him to bring a championship somewhere, but I don’t know if Edmonton is going to be *that* place. It will be weird to see him in another jersey some day.

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