@Vancouver Canucks

Updated phone wallpaper I made, hope you guys like it!

Updated phone wallpaper I made, hope you guys like it!

by Trelly96


  1. Despite the negativity surrounding the org right now… I think sometimes we forget how beautiful of a city we live in.

    Thanks for sharing, looks wonderful!

  2. PinkSupra880

    This is awesome!! Thank you for sharing!!

  3. JTMillerAdvocate

    That’s very well done, beautiful job

  4. ApolloRocketOfLove

    This the best wallpaper I’ve seen on this sub. Nicely done.

  5. JoshHero

    Love it but it needs more flaming dumpsters.

  6. HankScorpio42

    I do like it, it’s very cool imho. Which also leads to this question does anyone have phone wallpaper with the flying skate?

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