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Simon Lizotte: Team MVP Signing Day

It’s official. Simon Lizotte is the newest member of Team MVP! Check out what he has to say about the decision, why Brad & Chad Richardson think he’s the perfect fit, and an exclusive look at Simon’s first visit to MVP HQ to seal the deal.

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  1. Excited Simon is the best thing for a disc golf fan, and maybe the scariest thing for his disc golf competitors 😅

  2. My dream sponsor/player combo has happened. If this dream can come true, can my dream of Stuff Made Here and MVP teaming up to test discs happen? 🤔

  3. I strate up gave up discmania today… after their last mystery box with nothing but over stable discs.. I've had enough. Streamline, mvp, and thought space is what I'm replacing all this discmania with… ALOT OF DISCMANIA… this year is going to be bad for discmanania I think…

  4. surprised he didnt mention that its close to his home. I am a gyronaught already so this is awesome. Simons content will be so helpful in learning about new disc. It was a smart investement by the company… There is only a few players that really move the needle on disc sales. My opinion is Paul Mcbeth and Simon are at the top of that list.

  5. I'm SO excited to go pick one up at the store tomorrow. If you dye discs, the MVP gyro mystery box is where it is. These mystery boxes in my eye give discmania a run for their money. They come with 14 discs. Im a die-hard discmania fan… so I'm honestly not sure which box I would pick if I could only choose one. Cheers Simon and all the MVP staff and players. Your future looks bright

  6. Have you checked out the gyro MVP mystery box, 14 discs, it's a disc dyers dream, and it's a full bag. Wow. I'm picking one up at true north disc golf tomorrow. 200 Canadian shut up and take my money

  7. I really hope Simon does well, here. There's a bit of "the popular frat guy joining the nerd house" feeling to it, and I worry that the distance drivers aren't quite there, yet with MVP (personally I still use discraft cranks for this reason).

    That said, I hope the solid contact and cool MVP discs ease Simon's butterflies and people get to see more on tour of why we like these discs so much.

  8. Be very curious to see what happens this year. I am happy for Simon especially considering his career was in doubt a few years ago due to his injury. Last year was an amazing season for him and I am glad he was able to cash in on it. That said would be very surprised if he duplicates last year ever again based on his previous record and with eagle back full time this year and the field getting deeper. I think the year McBeth switched he had a monster season with
    13 wins. Let’s see what Simon can do. He certainly will move a lot of plastic. I personally don’t understand the fanboy mentality to pay an extra $5 a disc to support players with $1mm a year contract.

  9. Once you gyro you never go back. Gyro does make a difference especially when you snap the disc and put More spin on it. I can see a difference in glide with my disc comparison. Throw a judge and a nomad or putt it

  10. Super excited for you Simon! Was already throwing MVP for the majority of my disc so this is a match made in heaven for me! HYPE for this next season!

  11. Awesome, and what a great day for SImon. It's has been 10 years since we was in a disc factory that actually engineers their own product instead of paying someone else to do that part. 🤣 Good luck this season Simon.

  12. I like to support local disc golf in Michigan and have been proud to throw discs made in the mitten almost exclusively since the mid '90s. I too saw MVP as a small underdog company but with a brand loyal wild eyed following. Now Simon has the wild eye too. Lol must be something to that science physics approach. Not easily swayed into any new brands since my bag has been honed solid over time, but Simons got me here. Now I just want to try every single MPV disc out there especially after seeing Gibson's distance tests. Can't seem to find a local dealer here tho. Anybody in the U.P. have a good bag of them I can try out come spring? I'll give em back I promise!

  13. sounds to me like simon realizes that it's easier for a high-tech plastics company to make good discs than a design company to figure it out. listen to dave dunipace talk about his early designs vs the mvp origin story. anyway, if simon is able to do what i think he can in disc design we might end up with a new sport. or two….

  14. Hey guys, discmania fanboy 3000 here.. Give me the name of 5 MVP disc's that i need to try/buy, i need to try this MVP thingy.

  15. A new disc with SL and JC stamped "Humble Pie" I'd buy it. The 2 most Humble people in disc golf, I've loved them both exactly for that reason…and for those that ask about how much money for their contracts, please consider that the heart is priceless…I think I will leave it right there. A new dawn is on the horizon, and it is good.

  16. Interesting that the $10m + buying him out of his Discmania contract + rev share on signature discs has nothing to do with it 😂

  17. I am a huge fan of MVP, and have been for many years. But I have concerns… when we next order 1,000 MVP/Axiom/Streamline discs for the store, will more than 50% of what we want actually be available for purchase?

  18. cmon, be real… about the "science" of 10 million dollars plus millions in sales and bonuses.

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