@National Hockey League

Jets are quietly in first place in the west. Are they a legitimate threat to win the western conference?

Jets are quietly in first place in the west. Are they a legitimate threat to win the western conference?

by Kitchen-Activity-760


  1. Pleasant_Heat_1259

    They’re the number one team after 44 games, why wouldn’t they be?

  2. GabeLeRoy

    I think they win it all this year
    Boston vs Jets final

  3. Technical-Gear-3229

    In all honesty, this is super close. Almost any of the top 4 are threats to take it all

  4. Ecstatic-Arachnid-91

    I see Dallas getting back on a roll late. But Winnipeg has a legitimate chance and I wouldn’t mind seeing them go far in the playoffs

  5. StonkersToDaMoon

    Once Colorado gets healthy I think they’ll be favorites to win the WCF

  6. Mediocre-you-14

    What a crazy top 6 compared to what would have been picked pre-season. This is what makes the NHL unique.

  7. JustCapreseSalad

    Jets have been popping off this season. I’m going to the game against them at the Bell Centre on Tuesday night. I’ve got to say, I’m not looking forward to it.

  8. kotakice

    The mid season meltdown could happen again, but I wouldn’t put them under any team other than healthy Colorado and maybe Vegas.

  9. SteakMan43

    You aren’t kidding about quietly. I had no idea they were doing this good until now.

  10. sheldonOrange

    They have a really good roster on paper. Elite talent In every position and great depth. Even with that it seems they live and die with hellybuck so idk

  11. minos157

    It still is amazing to see that the Kraken could be leading the West if they equalized games on hand.


    Ron Francis should win GM of the year as it stands right now.

  12. Vezina goalie and an offensive defenseman of the season if it weren’t for Karlsson isn’t enough imo to carry them beyond the second round but they are Canada’s best shot at a cup this season.

  13. Oilersfan78

    Jets have been quietly getting better every season since rejoining the league

  14. gentleman_bronco

    Jets are really good. They are riding a legitimately strong goalie who plays behind a good defense and talented team wins. Yes. They’re good and a legitimate threat in the western conference. I say this as a Stars fan.

  15. bigdickbasturd

    What the Fuck Winnipeg! I had you locked in to the playoffs a few years ago and you sgit the same bed hard. This time I dismissed you and look where you are!

  16. free_mustacherides

    Bones is on his revenge tour haha.

  17. Bigdoga1000

    Connor Hellebuyck can legitimately carry games for them.

  18. skilzkid

    Been following the Jets close this year and their record is impressive. League parity what it is, they don’t feel super dominant to me. They play Bowness’ system well which reinvigorated them on D but they still rely on Bucky in goal a bit too much. Of the teams trailing them, Minnesota and Vegas have given them the worst times and I wouldn’t want to see them face off in early playoff rounds at this point. All that said, certainly still a threat given their play and their depth.

  19. Wall_Significant

    Shhh. We usually do good when we’re flying under the radar.

  20. nukfan94

    Absolutely. They are scoring plenty and Hellebuyck has been playing unconscious all season. My understanding is their weakness is perhaps the D-core (feel free to correct me, wpg), but the dubs are coming, and this conference is up for grabs.

  21. slappedlikelobov

    With their team I’ve always been surprised they haven’t done as well. Good to see them having success.

  22. cakeschmammert

    Vezina-caliber goalie, Norris-contender 1D behind a highly talented group of forwards. I would say so.

  23. Sublimity_Ult

    Lol what kind of question is this. “So the jets are winning the conference, do you think they could win the conference?

  24. durstcobain

    As a Stars fan I hope we get our shit together and get back on top, but Jets are definitely a threat. Great team, Hellebuyck is a beast.

  25. GoRangers5

    Yes, look what Maurice has done to the Panthers, he was holding this team back.

  26. TheSmartEmu

    The Seattle Juggernaut will take it let’s all be honest here

  27. Savings-Log-2709

    And they have the second most Regulation and overtime wins in the league, just a couple behind Boston. They’re not just a threat to the West.

  28. CanadianCharm41

    They need to stay away from the injury bug but if they do and the boys keep playing the way they can they should finish top 1-3. Need Helly to do his thing as well

  29. They’re certainly taking advantage of Vegas’s inconsistent home record and Colorado’s injury injury issues. Dallas still has a chance to catch them tho.

  30. 20_Something_Tomboy

    I kinda noticed a few weeks ago they might be the dark horse in the equation, when all along I thought it might be Seattle. Winnipeg has never much held my interest before — they certainly are now.

  31. Tyudall_316

    Nah just before the playoffs they will remember they play in Winnipeg and that Gary Bettman won’t let them win so they will crap the bed but not before it’s too late for them to be in the running for the first overall draft pick because Bettman won’t let them have that either

  32. ZzzMe0wMe0w

    That’s if Hilly doesn’t play like he did last year. Still a half season to go.

  33. Yop_BombNA

    As long as Helleybuyck keeps stealing games yes

  34. brechbillc1

    What ditching Maurice does to a mf.

    Pls help!

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