@Vancouver Canucks

The Canucks are paying over $7M to three current and former coaches.

The Canucks are paying over $7M to three current and former coaches.

by TheGreatCanadian13


  1. FunTimesRoy

    Just buying a PS5 and playing NHL 23’s GM mode would have been a cheaper option for Francesco

  2. reyskywalker7698

    Plus this doesn’t even take into account the assistant coaches that have been fired as well.

  3. Ok with three head coaches, two nice and one mean. We should win the cup?

    Edit – this is a joke please don’t take it too seriously.

  4. Notquilini

    Hope y’all ready for more expensive beer 🤑

  5. ImAnAfricanCanuck

    who cares? i surely dont, its not my money and it doesnt count against the cap.

    If Tocchet can change some players’ into a positive value assett none of this matters.

  6. bigsquint

    Now imagine if we had Boudreau as our HC and Tocchet and Green as the two Assistants…

  7. burnabybambinos

    Owner has no problem spending money, always writes the cheque

  8. magoomba92

    For a money grubbing owner, FA sure spends a lot on coaching.

  9. theman-13

    This is a illustration of what’s happened to my hairline over the last couple years watching this team😂

  10. Can we burn through a couple more real quick and get that number up somewhere Aqua can’t afford, maybe then he’ll sell the team

  11. Nearby_Panic_9295

    Let’s just make all of them coach together

  12. Frankie can’t believe the team he put together isn’t good enough.

    Francesco thought he was the best GM in the league.

    ” Look at all the amazing wingers we have… We signed them all after career seasons… I don’t get why we’re not good… Maybe another coach can get us into the playoffs and then we can go on a run….”

  13. Snapcaster16

    Now do bottom 6 players, and albatross contracts

  14. jowens42

    good. let aqua waste his money. all of this could have been avoided had there of been a proper rebuild

  15. vancouver000

    “Vancouver business leader” Francesco Aquilini, everyone

  16. OutlawCountryFan

    Francesco Aquillini is a bloody moron

  17. Background_Pen_2415

    You’re paying for parking spaces for coaches who don’t park here anymore 🙂

  18. Jamesiae72

    Why put the person making the least amount in the middle and in the foreground

    Why does this even bother me enough to write a comment about it


  19. steven09763

    In memory of Bruce watch Raw is XxX shit is lit tonight!!!!

  20. PaperweightCoaster

    Bruce, the best coach out of the 3, was getting paid significantly less than the others. Get the fuck away from this toxic organization, Bruce, they don’t deserve you.

  21. Wild-Piece-8000

    I hope the clown buys out OEL this summer he keeps throwin away money on coaches…

  22. globehopper2000

    Damn. The cheapest coach was the best one.

  23. Illustrious_West_976

    How many blueberry pickers is that?

  24. fuzzymonkey

    $2m for a proven coach
    $2.75 for an unproven coach


  25. mobileaccountuser

    Y’all.. Bwen 1 year since takeovwr let.the. do it

  26. uriahjokes

    And they didn’t want to spend the money to get Toffoli? Also why is Bruce less?

  27. dmancman2

    They treat their coach staff payroll like they treat their Ufa signings.

  28. flossingomega

    Good. It’s not against the cap so it’s just Aquilini’s cash being wasted.

  29. Sarcastic_Beaver

    Could’ve bought out a certain few players for that much.

    God damnit Aqua you suck.

  30. BruceThereItIs

    I honestly don’t care. There’s no cap (or at least one that I care about) for coaching. It’s moreover a sign of more deep problems.

  31. interarmaenim

    This is why I am so hopeful for the future, this clubs track record of wise fiscal management.

  32. Cmb46_canuck

    This is how the Nebraska Cornhuskers do it. They probably have like 6 coaches that they are paying.

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