@Carolina Hurricanes

Opinions on Canes Crew?

Curious to everyone’s thoughts on the Canes Crew? This is the second season they’ve featured this group of “cheerleaders.” Outfits are much better than last year, but I still feel like something is missing.


by Emotional-Object-563


  1. CaesarBeaver

    Imo cheerleaders, cheer squads whatever are silly outside of collegiate or high school football and basketball

  2. AirplaneEngineSpiral

    They’re useful. They do a ton of fan interactions when it comes to the on ice entertainment between periods.

  3. grasshopper7167

    I wonder why it’s not the storm squad anymore. What’s the difference and why can’t they use that name?

    Tax reasons is the only thing I can think of when the owner is Dundon.

  4. Lets_Go_Wolfpack

    Not really sure what more you’re expecting? Unless it’s some kind of low-key way of saying that you’d prefer a team of all-women with more revealing clothes?

  5. fogent94

    I’ve been going to games since 2002 and it’s hilarious to see how this squad has evolved. We’ve had Hooters waitresses in the early days, lot lizards in the Dark Ages, and now this. This is definitely my favorite group so far. All they do is add to the experience. In a perfect world I’d say we just have an MC and no “Crew” though. It’s just not needed

  6. With all due respect, I think they’re a little *too* much involved. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why the look of them straddling the stair rails and waving the flags at the start of periods or after goals is done, but I have lost count the amount of times they either completely block the stairs causing a backup or just obliviously hit people in the head with their arms or flag as they’re doing it. When the novelty becomes an obstacle, it needs to be re-evaluated.

    I’d much rather the team put the smoke machines in the corners permanently (like we have in the playoffs) to set off as the team takes the ice or scores a goal if we are trying to add to the experience.

  7. alottagames

    None. They are promotional staff that do in arena and community events on behalf of the canes. So, whatever mix of folks they need to accomplish those tasks…cool. I’m more disappointed about the folks like Jon Chase and the prior crew in the front office being gone. They were outstanding to work with!

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