@Detroit Red Wings

Daily General Discussion Thread (01-25-2023)

Talk about anything your heart desires. Be polite and upvote everything!

All rules (except #1 and #2) are not applied here. Feel free to post memes, things not related to the Wings, or anything else!


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by OctoMod


  1. No-Sample-3588

    Yeah im not going into work today winter storm warning from 7 am to 10 pm with some areas getting 6 to 8 inches of snow

  2. elvishblood_24

    I wish literally anyone on our team could shoot the puck

  3. lets_kill_time

    Has there been any game this season at all where we dominated the hell out of the opponent? Like a game where we played like Tampa or Boston or Toronto?

  4. detroitttiorted

    I think they deleted it before I could comment but the “stop being arm chair GM’s” thread was hilarious to me. Saying the Lions sub is just fun and doesn’t have that stuff as if half the talk on there isn’t a debate about Jared Goff

  5. Nigel_featherbottom

    “faith night” really seemed like it was “Christian night”.

  6. TheNation55

    Not returning messages is how you get booted off a job, we’re in a blizzard here and I sent texts and left voicemails at 6 this morning while digging my truck out of the snow so I could drive all the way to the site and have one young contractor cancel 20 min after our scheduled meeting time and the other still hasn’t responded today. Best of luck on your next job kids.

  7. HavingFunAlone

    Felt like Berggren and Ras earned their top line minutes last night. Good to see!

  8. Councillor_Phlunt

    This morning I realized that Copp and Ras are basically the brothers from The Accountant. Copp is Jon Bernthal’s character, the older brother who has been around the block a bit and likes to crack wise comments. Ras is Ben Affleck, the quiet and soft spoken murderer who just wants to collect art.

  9. TwiggyStarburst

    My thought today: could be very stupid but oh well, no filter.

    I just feel like this team has no identity yet. We’re not a speedy team, not a physical team, definitely not a defensive team no matter how hard we try, and most definitely not a high powered offensive team.

    It’s like we’re just lost sometimes. Last night I feel like we should’ve had 6+ goals. Was happy we got the win but couldn’t shake the thought of “how did we not destroy this team?”

    Idk. Maybe I’m the one without an identity and completely lost sometimes.

    Have a good day y’all!

  10. dingusking69

    The odds of us getting Berdard are equivalent to a red wings scout driving by an outdoor rink and letting a 30 year old burnout (me) walk-on the wings. #69 my celly would be holding my stick like a bong and taking a rip.

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