@Detroit Red Wings

Larkin, Perron, and Coach Lalonde Post Game | 1/27 NYI

Dylan Larkin, David Perron and Head Coach Derek Lalonde speak with the media following the Red Wings matchup with the New York Islanders at USB Arena on January 27, 2023.

Presented by Meijer.


  1. Coach doesn't think they played a bad road game. They played a horrible game. Players don't care Nice Newsie will keep rewarding them with power play time. Time to bench Copp and Bertuzzi from the power play its not working.

  2. 0/4 on PP … unbelievable. Unfucking real. Still talking about this hot steaming pile of shit powerplay almost into February

  3. Very winnable game. Especially against an islanders team. Could have easily won it on special teams alone by getting a few goals on the PP. not near enough shots on goal 5 on 5 play. Barely challenged serokkiiiinnn.

    I dunno why but that goaltenders name always reminds me of the game Street Fighter

  4. Holy shit. Lalonde didn't think they played a bad road game? They were terrible. One of the worst hockey games I've watched. I get that they're human beings and they get tired. That doesn't change the fact that it was awful to watch. If our standards are "well that was an okay effort against a team that was losing constantly and hadn't scored in the 3rd period for 11 games", what are we doing? I don't expect this team to look like they did when we had Lidstrom, Zetterberg, and Datsyuk as leaders. But we should be trying to emulate SOME of that level of quality. Can't even hit 30 shots on goal, fucking hell.

    I mean, he points to the Islanders only having 27 shots and 2 goals. THEY'RE A BAD TEAM TOO. And we looked outmatched against them. Again, fatigue is understandable, but it shouldn't be THIS bad.

  5. more conditioning might help there performance back to backs is hard on every teams endurance! 🤔👍💪LGRW💪👍

  6. This schedule is insane. Red Wings had the most brutal three game stretch any team will see this season. San Jose, Montreal and New York Islanders are all heavyweights. And before this we had the Flyers who are the odds on favorites to win the Eastern Conference.

  7. another red wings game with this time literally Zero offense. team is pitiful. Hope yzerman sells this team off heavily before the deadline, collect those picks for this upcoming draft, we fucking need a star. Best chance is the next draft.

  8. If Larkin gets traded whoever he gets traded to is my new favorite team. This man is the hardest worker on this team and deserves a team which can do one thing every night win.

  9. Take the leash off Sieder. This isn't Tampa Bay. And he is not Victor Hedman. Hes his own player. Also another big issue is Lalonde is suppressing creativity from Raymond and Sieder by making everything about defense when the teams young. They should be playing with everything they have as fast as they can and as aggressive as they can when being this young of a team. Thats your only way out of this hole. Lalondes trying to emulate a Tampa Bay team that has proven itself and is way more experienced. So focusing on defense first when you have the skill players to capitalize is a must for a team like Tampa. Different boat over here in Detroit you need to sort who's who and unlock these young players potential properly by just letting the reigns off them first and THEM THAT IS WHAT YOU BUILF AROUND, ya fucking half wits. and these bonehead coaches need to realize that or bounce on out of Detroit. The setups on the powerplay Tanguay keeps failing it is hilarious to watch. He forsure needs to go. They should be stressing getting open down the middle and players constantly being on the move but no. Tanguays got these guys trying to one time it and sitting along the boards with no one cutting down the middle and no one winning puck battles out front. It's very simple really but these coaches are making everything this team does complicated as all mighty fucking hell. They have decent breakouts but they don't reinforce the nuetral zone when they play only dump and chase hockey. It just a recipe for fucking disaster and I hope they start losing because of it. YOU HAVE TO CLOG THE NUETRAL ZONE IN DUMP AND CHASE HOCKEY YOURETARDS! You can't be that fucking stupid and expect results, you just can't. I hope Yzerman cleans house again and brings in goal scorers + prospects next season cause this whole system had a chance early but the injuries killed and unestablished team That now has lost its chance with no winds in its sails. Now a reset is a must and players need to be let go. Who that is I don't really care at this point but something, anything within sort of common sense needs to be done ASAP.

  10. Redo! Trade everyone except for Raymond and Seider! I love Larkin, Bertuzzi and Husso but they deserve better than this!

  11. Again I will say this team is unwatchable. Why? Because they CANT score. They don’t have ONE player that can snipe or just not shoot the puck into the goalies chest/wide. What is this power play line? One more thing. Lalonde is either delusional or says this ridiculous shit for interview image. Thinks we didn’t have a bad game? dude go pound sand because, you’re insulting my intelligence at this point.

  12. The captain who wants 9.5 is talking, but not worth that money. Let's here what he has to say

  13. You have put up a total of 14 goals in 6 games vs. Columbus, Montreal, Philadelphia, Arizona, San Jose, and the islanders. Do you seriously think you’re playing “good hockey”, perron? And I really hope you’re not “proud” of that, Larkin…

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