@New York Rangers


New York Rangers Players DO NOT WEAR PRIDE NIGHT JERSEYS?! Choose LADY LIBERTY INSTEAD! This comes on the heels of NHL player Ivan Provorov taking a stand due to religious beliefs.


  1. But, but, you must comply with the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ…. or you will be bullied into submission.

  2. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽Good job Rangers. Now, I’m questioning this because this happened in NY, queen of liberal stances. Are they doing this for publicity.😏

  3. Just curious, how many of those people crying on social media actually went to that game? That is exactly why they need to stop pandering to people online. They are just whiners not customers or fans.

  4. Provorov is a hero, nobody should be afraid to stand up for what they believe. It is the basis of freedom.

  5. It was Pride Night: American Pride. Symbol that symbolizes inclusivity: Statue of Liberty. They kept their promise.

  6. The only time I would support a celebration type jersey is for national holidays and for our veterans.

  7. The Rangers were right on the money, what better way to honor ALL our citizens than with The Lady Liberty Jersey!!!

  8. Good for the Rangers! I’m a lifelong Blues fan but now I have a second favorite team. I hope they win the cup

  9. If you're going to stop being a fan of s team you have claimed to love over 30 years, just because they didn't wear a rainbow jersey for 10 minutes before the game, you need to reevaluate the way you live your life. Why is it so important to these people to have everyone support who they have sex with. We. Don't. Care!!! Live your life and we will live ours, it's that simple.

  10. That's awesome!!! Hats of to the rangers!!!! I'm not even a hockey fan. Good for them !!! This is a America!!! Freedom of speech baby!!!!! We need to stop catering to one percent of the country. It's unbelievable and rediculous!!!

  11. It seems obvious that the NHL was browbeaten into going along with this latest woke idiocy. You can tell that by how players are reacting to being forced to promote gay and trans lifestyles.

  12. Please stop saying I don’t know. I don’t know 👎 you know well enough that hockey players don’t give a damn about politics all we wanna do watch sport
    Proud Rangers fan for 42 years Go Rangers Go ❤

  13. There's a whole God damn pride month! Now we have to continue it outside of a whole damn month. And our military veterans who are TRUE HEROES get 1 GOD DAMN day a year! Beeee Essss😐

  14. Yea Rangers! Maybe Provorov's refusal to participate in pride night warm-ups gave Rangers' players courage to stand up against the Woke mob. Whatever the reason, I'm glad they did.

  15. Wahoo! Standing up for what they believe and they don't care what the woke think or say. This is America 🇺🇸 standing up for their country is all that matters. Keep woke indoctrination out of sports!

  16. I thought that of all teams the Rangers would fold, but I am happy to see the Blueshirts stand up. I might actually be a fan. Celebrate PRIDE if you want, but leave it to everyone else to decide if they want to participate or not.

  17. I'm a die hard St. Louis Blues fan, but in this case I couldn't be more proud of the Ranger players. Way to go, boys!

  18. If you’re gay, be gay doesn’t matter to me. Just don’t try to force it on me, literally and physically. Get out of there.

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