@Winnipeg Jets

Jets reportedly one of the teams interested in Timo Meier (as well as Toews and Domi)

Jets reportedly one of the teams interested in Timo Meier (as well as Toews and Domi)

by festinator


  1. Fingers crossed for meier. Would pass on the other two personally.

  2. Scooterguy-

    We aren’t on the list of interested teams for many on this list. If Chevy doesn’t make a move there will be a lot of disappointed fans.

  3. festinator

    The dream (or my dream) for playoffs:





  4. SherLocK-55

    Domi and Meier would be two nice acquisitions, we really should do our best to secure Timo first then either Domi or Toews for another center than can win us faceoffs. This would be a great bolster to our offensive prowess.

    Not sure why we are in on Ritchie though, not liking that idea even though it definitely wouldn’t hurt our bottom six but still meh.

  5. finnish-flash13

    A centerman that wins faceoffs would be nice!

  6. DuboisManStrength

    lot of interesting names there. Not buying that Chevy hasn’t talked about most of them,st Louis and even Arizona’s pieces could be neat. Make me think that ‘teams linked’ is just teams who people have tweeted about because they asked and the gms said, ‘uhh sure, maybe’

    I don’t mind domi. Meier is a pretty obvious favourite, but 2 domi calibre rentals could work. he’s born here, right? Bounced around a lot, but if he’s re signing for 3 mil again, why not?

    I know acquiring an LD would create some problems, but a pure defender like ekholm would be pretty gnar bra

  7. milkisforbabies666

    Chevy is crazy discreet I wouldnt be surprised if he is in on a few others or maybe lower profile depth players. Fingers crossed for Meier but not allowing my hopes to get too high. Toews or Domi is probably more realistic

  8. Spiritual_Holiday511

    I love the idea of having timo meier, but I donโ€™t realistically think he would re sign here. Maybe thatโ€™s just because Iโ€™m used to start players wanting nothing to do with Winnipeg. I also think that we could really use a centre that can win draws and plays solid defensively.

  9. JetStorm409

    Meier would be great. I’d quite like Domi on the team. Not too bothered about Toews.

  10. ScottNewman

    What is the cost for Meier though. Sounds like every playoff team is interested.

  11. noskatesnodates

    I want domi to jets so I can add a domi jets jersey to my Habs one

  12. Greendaydude22

    Timo Meier would be insane, that fixes the hole in the top 6 named wheeler(although, knowing NHL coaches perfetti is the one that gets kicked out of the top 6. But heโ€™s no help anywhere in the bottom 6 whereas wheeler can actually be useful in the bottom 6 so who knows).

    Toews would be an awful acquisition if the pick is anything higher then the 3rd round, he just isnโ€™t very good anymore by any measure. He has โ€œwinning pedigreeโ€ I supposeโ€ฆ And domi is a Safeish trade to help the middle 6 if we canโ€™t get anything else done all day.

  13. ElectricalWeather630

    I hope Chevy can add a tough shutdown defenseman as well.

  14. Haliguy84

    Any rental is not worth it. The team is 9th in the league by pt% and trending downwards. We won’t make it past the 2nd round. Better to keep our picks/prospects.

  15. JohnnyCanuck72

    If we we’re looking for a goon like his daddy was then yeah, Domi is the call, but for skill i think Toews is the best choice.

  16. themustardman

    We are going to lose duby so Meier makes sense

  17. great_save_luongo

    I agree with people who say Meier isn’t worth it unless we can resign him. Would we even have the cap space to give him a big deal in the first place?

  18. Whatever happens I hope we flip Stanley.. kind of a Tyler Myers all over again.

  19. I was told yesterday the jets absolutely have no interest in Toews or domi because they are smarter than everyone.

  20. rickygun13

    Do they wanna take Paul Maurice back trade for a 7th rounder?

  21. Apprehensive_Idea758

    Winnipeg Jets 2023 Stanley Cup Champions.

  22. Gurilla6

    Ehlers and Meier are really good friends, I think a deep run could convince him to sign a term here

  23. BurtonBlaney3121

    The Jets have a strong prospect pool right now, so I would be okay with giving up some picks, but picks + prospects for a rental is a harder sell. In Chevy we trust!

  24. ArrestedForTaxFraud

    Only want Meier if he wants an extension. Extends our window and prepares us in case Scheifele, Dubois or Wheeler leave.

  25. wpgelectricboy

    Domi would be great if they wanted more penalty minutes.

  26. makemodus

    Looks like Edmonton is on the watchlist for the majority of these, enough to rebuild their team twice over, lol!!!

  27. This is an all in year. They are placed well in the standings, have expiring contracts, adn a GM with only 2 years left too. While having a bad stretch (potentially more serious for sure) this team is better than it has been in 4 seasons. Push in your chips Chevy.

    On the other hand, my priority would be improving the D-line as much as the forwards. While the depth at forward needs shoring up behind the top-6, the actual talent level on the D-line needs real improvement.

  28. ArferMorgan

    Not a fan of Domi. I think he takes a lot of bad penalties. Meier would be amazing. Toews would be cool.

  29. ponikweGCC

    Domi would be a monstrous mistake. He would be a wasted opportunity as a rental and a horrible add to the locker room.

    Toews can get fucked.

    But gimme Timo *grabby hands*
    Let’s fucking goooooooooo

  30. Toews can most definitely get fucked – donโ€™t want him anywhere near our lineup. Domi as well.

    Meier is only enticing with an extension.

  31. Pianist-Educational

    Jets need a guy who can win face offs in the worst way. That said, Toews is probably the best candidate.

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