@New York Islanders

Between Staple not covering the Isles anymore, Dom Luszczyszyn’s nonstop hating, and rising costs of the service, it was time.

Between Staple not covering the Isles anymore, Dom Luszczyszyn’s nonstop hating, and rising costs of the service, it was time.

by Freddybone32


  1. Nice. I was going to do the same but they offered a renewal for $24. Corey Pronman it’s the only reason I did it. Otherwise, their coverage is most awful.

  2. warpsyrhead

    I canceled a few years back. Some dude was being racist to PK Subban so I said something about how his parents must be so proud, he said his parents were dead and I said something about them not having to witness the disappointment and he reported me and I was no longer able to post anything, yet the racist could… so I said bye bitches ✌️

  3. RadekMartinek

    Kurz is really bad. They couldn’t give us anyone better?

  4. SensationalM

    remember, Dom actually gave the Isles credit before last season…i’m comfortable with him hating haha

  5. The Islanders could win 6 straight stanley cups and Dom would still say they weren’t good because his models had them lower

  6. rolltribe

    There is some sort of weird animus from the national media toward the Isles. Maybe it is because Lou is notorious for being tight lipped and not giving the media any scoops? I’m sure around the league most GM’s fees these guys all kind of info

  7. xlittlebeastx

    I’m sad I missed my renewal date the other day and just shelled out $72 for another year of this.

  8. GiantTeddyGraham

    This actually just reminded me to unsubscribe- when giving my reason I specifically called out Kurz. He’s god awful

  9. WhoDoYouPlayFor

    Fuck the national writers. Buncha dorks

    Especially that nerd Luscusyn or however you spell it. Muh models!

  10. longtimelistener17

    I don’t get why Isles fans dislike Kurz so much. He seems like a perfectly fine beat writer to me. That said, I am canceling as soon as my promo rate runs out, mainly because most of the featured NHL writers are so obnoxious and have little of interest to say.

  11. priester85

    I cancelled ages ago and I’ve blocked or muted almost all their writers on Twitter. They are so troll-y. It’s obviously a direction they’re given to drive engagement which makes sense since the James Mirtle, the biggest hockey troll around is in charge of hockey content.

    I miss the occasional feature article but 99% of what the athletic puts out is crap anyways

  12. MacStainless

    The Athletic runs sales all the time. I signed up on black friday for $1 a month for one year. You bet your ass I’ll cancel once that year is up. The Athletic is good (sometimes) but not worth the price they ask.

  13. MontyoftheFuture

    I’m totally good with Kurz. He’s grown on me. I think he tells it like it is. All the people whining about Kurz blocking them – should he sit there and take it when people are treating him like shit? I bet if our team was doing better, people would treat him better. He’s fairly honest and I think he calls it right. If you want to bitch about someone, do it on your own thread, start your own Twitter comment, but don’t be a dick to someone on their own thread. You deserve to be blocked if you pull that shit.

  14. ChiantiAppreciator

    Luszczyszyn has been a little more self aware it seems. And by that I mean he’s pretty much gone mask off and has started trashing them regardless. It’s a very odd running gag

  15. data__daddy

    I stopped paying for this shit years ago and never looked back. It isn’t worth it.

    As someone who works in analytics extensively Dom’s models, his interpretation of them, and how he writes them are fucking idiotic. One of my entry level analysts could do much much better.

  16. islander1

    It really hasn’t been the same since Staple left.

  17. daveloper80

    I let my subscription lapse this in January. I’ll miss Pronman’s articles about upcoming prospects and Katie Strang’s articles are always excellent.

    I follow Kurz on twitter, it’s enough. He doesn’t seem to really do the in depth articles like Staple did, I don’t think he has a relationship with the team yet. But the thing that really got me is that everything seems to be written so negatively. Things are good? here’s why they are bad. Things are bad? Here’s why they are worse. I’m sure he’s not a bad writer but he just feels like a sports writer and not an Islanders writer.

  18. FalconSixSix

    I will probably cancel too. Kurz is just boring. Very reactionary. I didnt realise how blessed we were with Staple, who made up for Lou being tight lipped by running stories exploring possibilities and asking other GMs about players. Kurz just piles in on the losses or wins.

  19. ObstructedViews

    I was just about to cancel my Athletic Subscription cause I wasn’t shelling out $72 but right when I hit that button a notification for a “Loyalty Offer” to keep me came up for only $24 for another year. Guess for that price I’ll keep it but I agree with others here it’s not worth full price.

  20. Katie Strang was the only reason I kept it, but I don’t think that is going to do it for me anymore. I can’t stand Kurz.

  21. AdministrativeAd2888

    To add. I don’t have an issue with Kurz himself. My issue is that because he covers the isles, who operate under a cone of silence, he can’t provide us any sort of insightful articles that we as observing fans can’t see for ourselves. Nothing leaks, nothing ever comes out with Lou. There’s just no reason to read from him to tell me what I already know. And the other writers just aren’t that great either. I kinda feel like hockey lacks in season conversation until trades become heavily rumored, then twitter is where to be and it’s free. Just doesn’t make sense to pay for something that I can get for free.

  22. I stopped subscribing half the writers have no problem hating the islanders so I have no reason to give them money

  23. ArtyThePoopie

    Mirtle and Lysczcyzn can suck a turd out of my ass

    I don’t have much issue with Kurz, maybe tone down the condescension on twitter a bit sometimes but other than that he’s fine

  24. tryi2iwin

    Thank god you reminded me to cancel. Was about to be charged for another year tomorrow. I’m almost positive I already cancelled my subscription earlier this year. Wouldn’t be surprised if they charged me anyway that joke of a company.

  25. TheNormalAlternative

    I cancelled my subscription almost immediately after Staple stopped covering the Islanders, because I felt like there was nothing left that I wanted to read short of Down Goes Brown’s not-serious-at-all posts and the ~~occasional~~ rare long form story. I renewed at the end of 2022 because they offered me an annual sub at $1/month, but I only ever read articles if they’re shared to Reddit and sound intriguing/informative.

  26. kylennium29

    I think “he who shall not be named” hired Kurz for the athletic.

  27. islesjets14x

    Kurz is trash and a complete sarcastic prick to people on twitter, he 100% doesn’t wanna be here

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