@New Jersey Devils

Brunette’s golf cart was illegally parked outside a bar. He came out saying he was leaving, but was still given a ticket. Brunette went back in to get his wife. The deputies waited 15 minutes and then saw him drive away under the influence, police say.

Brunette’s golf cart was illegally parked outside a bar. He came out saying he was leaving, but was still given a ticket. Brunette went back in to get his wife. The deputies waited 15 minutes and then saw him drive away under the influence, police say.

by VasiliiZaytsev


  1. 6point3cylinder

    Alright. Stupid mistake and glad no one was hurt but not something worth firing him over.

  2. stanley_g00dspeed

    The initial reaction to this was so over the top. Guy has a mugshot released and people immediately called for him to be fired or sent to rehab. It’s so crazy to see how quickly people make up their mind about something with so little information.

  3. Johnborkowski

    The ole’ John Daly weeknight routine.

  4. Zestyclose_Estate248

    Wait, this dude was drunk driving a golf-cart?

  5. PBRstreetgang_

    Ok so yes stupid ass mistake but is it wrong to grin a bit at the situation? At first I thought he was driving around in a multi ton vehicle.

    Also not trying to down play the severity of drunk driving. It’s for jabroni’s! It’s not worth getting caught or god forbid hurting an innocent driver over. Call a friend or a cab!

  6. Basically the best case scenario here all things considered. Wouldn’t have happened had he parked his golf cart correctly. We’ve all been there amiright?

  7. Usedfirehose

    Freedom to drive a golf cart drunk is part of the Florida constitution. He should be let free

  8. pateyhfx

    What an epic sting operation here. Give the drunk guy a ticket for illegally parking his golf cart. Then wait until he drives it so you can bust him for a DUI. Imagine if they just warned him not to drive or they’d give him a DUI… wouldn’t that have been better police work?

  9. RecordedMink986

    I would be so pissed if I had to go through the legal process of a DUI from riding a golf cart.

    Understand the rules, but it feels a bit absurd to lob the same penalty of drunk driving to a golf cart as a car or truck.

  10. BigBadWolf44

    Bro I’ve driven a golf cart so drunk down a golf course I could barely see. We really giving the man a DUI for it? This will get thrown out.

  11. scumbagstaceysEx

    Wait, you’re supposed to be sober while driving a golf cart? Huh.

  12. Chico-_-

    couldn’t beat the case so he did the race

  13. Sauronsindexfinger

    I think it’s become increasingly obvious that the police in this country need to be given stuff to do.

  14. archangel3285

    Having a hard time taking this world seriously anymore

  15. jesper_thompson

    Who cares. It’s a personal matter that is none of our business. Let him and the team sort it out privately

  16. Lanthemandragoran

    Oh my god I run festivals in the warm months and I would be in jail for all of the years ever forever until the end of time

  17. luzer_kidd

    Florida is just trying to show the devils down. This was a setup.

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