@Anaheim Ducks

Matt Martin vs Adam McQuaid Nov 7, 2011

Matt Martin vs Adam McQuaid from the New York Islanders at Boston Bruins game on Nov 7, 2011.


  1. @WalrusThunder martin has sick flow for sure. i think he edges quaider out right now in the hair battle but check back in may when quaiders got the full playoff mullet goin. thing is a beauty, right up there with kaners for sure, but right under a prime jagr or melrose

  2. I love seeing a guy try and spark his team, then bite off more than he can chew. No better motivation for your team than letting them watch you get your shit stomped!

  3. They need to call up Gallant. He'd eff people up in the show with his lightning jabs.

  4. @cribble2k Nothing funnier *than* watching a Canadian try to write in English. Don't you have a cousin you should be fucking or something?

  5. I can't wait until next June when my Blackhawks completely fuck up this bitch-ass Boston "squad". Oh wait, the Bruins won't be there.

  6. @crazyk2345 Baaahahahahahaaahhahaaa Keep dreaming………..and if the Bruins are not there by some fluke chance it'll be the only way the Craphawks win!!

  7. @crazyk2345 In your dreams dumbass…the Crapcocks suck and the B's will destroy them if by some miracle they make it out of the West. And the B's have owned them throughout history so you fail again! Go back to playing NHL 12 or something that's the closest they'll get back to winning the Cup anytime soon. GO BRUINS!

  8. @DzekoSucks I'm pretty sure McQuaid hurt his hand punching the helmet. You see him trying to take it off towards the end of the fight.

  9. @MrBruinsfan2011 John Scott would destroy Chara, Mayers would destroy Lucic, Carcillo would destroy Thornton and my penis and balls would definitely fuck up McQuaid's bitch ass.

  10. the only apparent tough guy you named is john scott. thats only becuz hes a big for nothing fuck like chris pronger

  11. @MrBruinsfan2011 What's Chicago's record right now and what's Boston's?!? Yeah I thought so, go ahead and sit the fuck down.

  12. @crazyk2345 Hey dumbass, do you not understand that the bruins are doing better than the cocks and their records are pretty much the same

  13. @crazyk2345 chicago has 1 more point than the bruins and 2 more games played than the bruins, bruins also have 1 more win with 2 less games, go ahead and sit the fuck down.

  14. @crazyk2345 R u kidding? Chara would kill Scott, Lucic would kill Mayers, Thornton would kill Carcillo, and i guarantee Chara, Lucic, Thonton and McQuaid could beat the crap out of all of them none of them are good fighters at all. When Mark Stuart was on the Bruins he beat the hell out of Mayers and Carcillo and hes not even known as a fighter. The guys you named as "tough guys" arent even tough, maybe for the cocks but not for the nhl hahaha

  15. I love how the whole time its, "MCQUAID WINS, WOAAH MCQUAID! MCQUAID THE BEST" from all these comments, and then at the very end of the video all you see is Martin in the box and the announcer, "McQuaid has gone down to the locker room uh… undoubtedly to get stitched up." Hahahaha Bruins are so gay.

  16. I remember what its like to be a 12 year old worshiping an entire team thinking they were the toughest… it was fun to watch the Caps take 'em out though, and I don't even like Washington hahahaha so good.

  17. chara is a great fighter but he's an awful fighter………and carcillo TKO'd thornton already..

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