**Monday, February 06 – Sunday, February 12**
###Top videos
| score | comments | title & link |
| 7 | [0 comments](/r/caps/comments/1101d5n/recap_wsh_bos/) | [Recap: WSH @ BOS](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/9306985/15115266/b7fbb642-67c5-4132-b8c1-27c6260ada0c.mp4)|
| 1 | [0 comments](/r/caps/comments/110qtjt/recap_sj_wsh/) | [Recap: S.J @ WSH](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/9335568/15172344/6bb17b60-8027-4b3f-90fb-417831278cfa.mp4)|
###Questions / Discussions
| score | comments | title & link |
| 116 | [15 comments](/r/caps/comments/1104r91/i_made_a_capitals_mug_rugs_how_does_it_look_guys/) | `[Question]` [I made a Capitals mug rugs. How does it look guys?](https://i.redd.it/gv88wcq7mpha1.jpg)|
| 109 | [1 comments](/r/caps/comments/10zx1jb/lets_go_boys/) | `[Discussion]` [Let’s go boys!!!](https://i.redd.it/ksixxm86unha1.jpg)|
| 37 | [84 comments](/r/caps/comments/10y00tx/what_do_you_think_is_ovis_best_goal_not_allowed/) | `[Question]` What do you think is Ovi’s best goal? Not allowed to say the Phoenix goal|
| 20 | [28 comments](/r/caps/comments/11084wj/who_are_the_capss_originallongest_rival/) | `[Question]` Who are the Caps’s original/longest rival?|
| 14 | [11 comments](/r/caps/comments/10y1xyh/request_for_hats_from_wm_college_night/) | `[Question]` [Request for hats from WM College Night](https://i.redd.it/6qmr3r7ay8ha1.jpg)|
###Game thread comments
| score | comment |
| 50 | /u/RYAN_HiGHROLLER said [Beating the Bruins, in their own barn, coming off a break, in an afternoon game, AND in regulation time? Pinch me, I’m dreaming!](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86aaal/?context=5) |
| 48 | /u/LETSGOCAPS182 said [Bruins fans blaming the refs lmao. Get fucked clowns.](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86fgaq/?context=5) |
| 38 | /u/brady_t12 said [I was at the home opener when the B’s dismantled us. The Boston fans were complete garbage. I hope they enjoyed getting stonewalled tonight.](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86arxe/?context=5) |
| 36 | /u/SHAWNNOTSEAN said [Good game. Kuemper was fantastic.](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86hc07/?context=5) |
| 32 | /u/bajubiejunior said [Man those Bruins fans in that GDT sure were feisty. Apparently it was all the refs fault they couldn’t generate a shot in the third period](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86bb2u/?context=5) |
| 31 | /u/beardyman22 said [Man, I’ve complained about announcers before, but I actually had to look to see if it was just the bruins guys calling this for espn. I think the thing that’s freshest in my mind was that excellent …](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86ay1l/?context=5) |
| 30 | /u/Table_Coaster said [was sitting in the seat right closest to the tunnel today, I love pissed off Bruins fans](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86o3ns/?context=5) |
| 30 | /u/Gumboy52 said [I was told the Bruins were unbeatable](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86bqec/?context=5) |
| 28 | /u/Megumi-Noda said [Eat shit Marchand](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86a9j4/?context=5) |
| 27 | /u/Twatbagel said [BLOCKED SHOTS POKE CHECKS BIG HITS TAKIN SHITS LET’S GOOOOOOOO](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/j86a6zg/?context=5) |
###Top Remaining Posts
| score | comments | title & link |
| 368 | [4 comments](/r/caps/comments/1101y6q/winning/) | `[Photo]` [Winning](https://i.redd.it/3el5s25cxoha1.jpg)|
| 328 | [10 comments](/r/caps/comments/10wyxca/my_dudes_and_babes/) | `[Photo]` [My dudes and babes](https://imgur.com/ssBmzD4.jpg)|
| 229 | [6 comments](/r/caps/comments/10z8zb0/caps_sign_i_made_on_a_piece_of_wood_from_an_old/) | `[Photo]` [Caps sign I made on a piece of wood from an old barn](https://i.redd.it/sgzbu89g9iha1.jpg)|
| 195 | [33 comments](/r/caps/comments/10vg8j6/got_the_stadium_series_caps_jersey_thanks_to_vic/) | Got the Stadium Series Caps Jersey thanks to Vic|
| 137 | [22 comments](/r/caps/comments/10y0j8f/mailday/) | Mailday!|
| 125 | [4 comments](/r/caps/comments/10zu5xo/valentines_day_is_coming_early/) | `[Photo]` [Valentine’s Day is coming early🤣](https://i.redd.it/p8qmtkx18nha1.jpg)|
| 88 | [10 comments](/r/caps/comments/10w2vrq/capitals_a_very_happy_birthday_to_bonzai_allcaps/) | [[Capitals] A very Happy Birthday to Bonzai! #ALLCAPS](https://twitter.com/Capitals/status/1622961454059069441?s=20)|
| 79 | [99 comments](/r/caps/comments/1100xz3/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_boston/) | `[GDT]` Post Game Thread: Washington Capitals at Boston Bruins – 11 Feb 2023|
| 61 | [3 comments](/r/caps/comments/10x90vv/was_able_to_pull_a_few_different_pieces_together/) | `[Photo]` [Was able to pull a few different pieces together and had this custom made for my new work from home office.](https://i.redd.it/z6bw1rbia2ha1.jpg)|
| 57 | [4 comments](/r/caps/comments/10zy5ok/watching_from_indiana/) | `[Photo]` Watching from INDIANA|
by subredditsummarybot
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