@Chicago Blackhawks

The Chicago Blackhawks are pathetic.

The Chicago Blackhawks are pathetic.

by 1RLegend


  1. malcontented

    Yeh, can’t argue anything he said. Fucking pathetic

  2. dishonourableprince

    Surface level video. Of course this team sucks because they were built that way to prepare for this years draft, it’s not a secret that Kyle Davidson needs this team to get another franchise player as the Kane and Toews era comes to an end.

  3. ReplacementTasty6552

    Yes they suck. They sucked way back in the past also yet I am still and will always be a fan.

  4. Three_Froggy_Problem

    I mean, obviously the Hawks have fallen as far as they possibly could from their Cup days, but that’s kind of the nature of things in the salary cap era. You can’t be on top forever.

    Also, this team definitely sucks and I think it’s valid to be annoyed over someone like Seth Jones being as mediocre as he is, but the team was literally assembled to tank. There are other teams in this league who have been worse for longer without even trying to be, so it feels like a waste of energy to be too upset about things right now.

  5. Hockeyypie

    I feel so sorry for them. It’s painful watching them struggling. They get rid of all their good players, then expect the team to keep playing the same way.
    Patrick Kane seems like he’s always on the ice( when he’s not injured) and looks drained. He and Towes are the only ones left ,who go way back , playing together. I like saying that they’re not pathetic, but just have ” bad luck”. LOL
    I’m also a die hard Cubs fan. I always say that they just have bad luck too.
    My father died a year before they were in the World Series, that was painful. He always said, like Harry ” Wait until next year”
    Part of Wrigley Field IS build over a monastery and graveyard. There are ( don’t know if still there, as we moved) some graves still near the parking area on Grace St)

  6. nameless22

    Well yeah that’s what the olds call “tanking”, which we have been purposefully doing since last off-season.

  7. Hard to believe it’s been 8 years since the last cup. And I dont think we’ve made it out of the first round in 8 years also

  8. BobWheelerJr

    Worth every painful minute for those three Cups.

  9. Virtual_me01

    get this shit post off of our sub OP. find another team to root for dude.

  10. annoyin_professional

    Was the idea behind dealing Dach and Cat that they wouldve made the team too good this year for Bedard? That is the only justification I can think of. Because otherwise, what, you’re HOPING to roll the dice and draft someone as good a 21 year old 40 goal scorer? If you’re rebuilding I still can’t wrap my head around not wanting a guy like that to start with, other than, like, “we’d win 4.5 more games with those guys and knock ourselves out of the lottery”. Idk, couldn’t you have just sent one to Rockford or something?

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