@Edmonton Oilers

POST-RAW | Connor McDavid 02.17.23

Connor talks to the media following a 5-4 SO loss to the Rangers on Friday at Rogers Place.


  1. The pure hatred of losing is great. I hope every guy in the room is this upset.

  2. Gee Connor, you sound so surprised you lost this one. Game plan next time Vinny is removed from the line up, Woodcroft has to put you on the ice for the entire 60 minutes.

  3. Pretty tough to keep the foot on the gas when the opposition gets 5 straight power plays including a 5-3

  4. That was rough. Too much hesitation with what needs to be quick decision making, for quite a few games now.

  5. part of being a pro is interviewing, he could easily talk about all the good things they have done. same with the reporters, try to make the energy good and the team will do good.

  6. Cant blame him. Defence folded yet again in the third period. 2 shots in 15 mins is a joke

  7. Hockey 50 years ago was like dinosaurs compared to now hockey. There are too many players on the ice because the ice is too small for the size and skill and speed of the game. I can't watch 5 on 5 hockey, it's too unwatchable, never much flow, too chippy etc. like most fans I enjoy 4 on 4 , it allows for putting fun back in the game. I played 50 years of Canadian hockey, now 76 years old. Fans who know the game want to watched skilled passing , skating with speed, hard body checks and lots of goals. Our great game need to evolve, reduce players clogging up the ice. Just do it. Eliminate fighting and skills will even be better.

  8. This team has no defensive ability. No shut down. Iโ€™ve been an oilers for forever, since childhood but this team is built wrong and Iโ€™m done watching for the year after this game. Good luck oilers.

  9. As I was saying earlier ,Perfect start ,the 1st Period Pre-game Plan was bang-on the money and the Rangers could not reply. Until the 2nd when they adjusted at which point we could not reply on-the-fly to their only tangible adjustment we could not figure them out and ran out of time. This game was the polar opposite dynamically to the last game where the adjustments came late in the game for the Oilers as they slowly figured out their foe and were gaining momentum as the time ran down. To me the last 2 games were like shots well on target but just left and just right of the Bullseye. There is lots to work with here, one more quick adjustment 5 minutes into the 2nd period to snuff their pushback and the game ends as a win for the Oilers. Well done on many levels. Next game please.

  10. The patience 97 uses here reminds me of what I do with my spoiled wife who never relinquishes an opportunity to bring up some ignorant comment.Cant wait until the time finally comes and I can divorce her. .Go oilers.

  11. How this man takes a loss, then tolerates badgering of media … needless. When you write/post garbage do you hold yourself to same level of accountability? Wow

  12. 0:19 Nail on the head. "Ya, we had a 4-1 lead, but it wasn't really a 4-1 game." Say what you want, but most of those goals were flukes against Shesterkin. That most definitely was not a 4-1 game.

  13. Defense was nothing short of dogs**t………… again. Coughing up a shorty, and leaving Campbell out to dry on more than one occasion, most of which he saved. I don't typically feel bad for superstars who make stupid amounts of money, but for McDavid having to sit there and even give these "reporters" his attention for ~2 mins, is just insulting, imo. ๐Ÿ˜†

    None of those clown deserve to even sniff the guy's jock, and they're sitting there with their stupid comments and loaded questions. Edmonton has to clean out the entirety of the "reporters" they deal with, and bring in people who have an IQ at least over 50, not just their age.

    Also, suiting up 17 players because you are too dense to waive the pylon and anchor that is Jesse Puljujarvi, is just downright dumb. There's just no two ways about it.

  14. That hooking call on Janmark was brutal. So many non calls the rangers got away with. I swear the game is rigged to maximize betting and entertainment.

  15. i am with macdavid on getting rid of the shoot out. it is a waste of time watching the players going as slow as they can to try and score ,it just makes the game look bad ,time the league went to a 3 point system win 3 points tie one point

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