@New York Islanders

TRAMPOLINE HISTORY – – Paul Luxon in “Quest for Perfection”

1972 World Trampoline Champion Paul Luxon is featured in this SETAG Educational Flim: “Quest for Perfection – – A Look at the Art of Trampolining.” Additional champion trampolinists we get to watch are: Leon Mackiewiez, David Pittaway, John Baker, Rob Hughes and Ian Ross. Produced in the 1970s by ABC Harrison and Dick Gates.

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  1. What all modern trampolinist do not know is this man changed the style of trampolining which they are following today.The beds they use today are far superior to the ones used back in the early seventies.The difference is about two meters in jumping height so the ability to put difficult routines together is much easier than back then.When I started trampolining in 1973 we used a 77a bed a half inch (6mm) and to maintain height would take a lot of effort but if you used a modern bed it would be a lot easier.Trampolinist today are able to put together routines of great difficulty but the beds are allowing them to do this.If Paul was around today he would still be able to bounce against the best and compete well.And remember there was no support for him no special training centers or protection from fall.How many today would compete on the trampoline like in the video with no mats only four spotters.Today they train with huge safety areas so as to practice new tricks without fear of getting hurt which is great but it encourages sloppy work which results in poor competition form. Paul was dedicated to routine perfection which gives consistency in competition.The big trickers always pick up poor habits because they break form attempting them.

  2. Paul would some times train at my school, Sir William Collins, he was a really nice guy and that was the first time I ever saw the triple back somersault performed. He had no fear and always seemed to know where the bed was, I was struggling with the double back but got there eventually I first learnt it on a springboard.🦆🦆🤭

  3. I spotted for Paul at Crystal Palace in the late 60s . Scared the life out of me he went so high! Thank goodness I never had to catch him.

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