@Buffalo Sabres

Post Game Thread: Toronto Maple Leafs at Buffalo Sabres – 21 Feb 2023

Sabres lose: 6 – 3


by HockeyMod


  1. GuybrushThreepwood94

    They really have to learn how to start games. This isn’t the first time they’ve been flat-footed out of the gate. I liked the response later in the game, but that hole was already too deep to crawl out of.

  2. Icommentoncrap

    A 6-3 loss hurts but it hurts even more when you’re in a playoff race to a divisional rival with the refs calling nothing and we were coming back. Fuck the leafs and onto the lightning

  3. Son_Of_The_Empire

    i cannot believe after all of that bullshit we were “tage hits the knob of the goalie’s stick” away from a 5-4 game with 2 minutes left

    Well, i’ll console myself by knowing that we’ll win the same number of playoff series’ as the leafs this year

  4. churrosRyummy55

    Really hoping the team was as pissed as I was to see all those hats on the ice for an opponent.

  5. HilmDave

    I’m not watching anymore home games this season. I can’t keep doing this shit to myself.

  6. Whytfbuddy

    Nice to see the effort in the 3rd at least, on to Florida on Thursday and Friday

  7. gobills1365

    Had already given up on the game by the 3rd and they always find a way to get you back into it and twist the knife 😭. Hope they roll the momentum from the last 2 periods into the florida trip

  8. xBialyOrzel

    Could have been a competitive game if they didn’t start poorly. Oh well at least they didn’t just roll over and die.

  9. SuperStudMufin

    leafs will still lose in the first round

  10. Demoralizing as fuck but let’s give some credit, they made it very interesting. An inch away from being 5-4 with two minutes left.

  11. In 5 of their last 6 games, Hurricanes, Flames, Kings, Ducks, and Leafs the Sabres have given up 3-4 goals in the span of 10 minutes. They lost 4 out of 5 of those games because of it. They need to figure this shit out.

  12. JoesShittyOs

    As someone who doesn’t live in Buffalo, I’d kindly like to ask you home towners to get your shit together and do better to fill up that arena during Toronto games. It’s super embarrassing to see these things become Leaf home games.

  13. OpabiniaGlasses

    Maybe not gonna be popular, but I won’t give a flying blue perpendicular fuck about this loss if they turn around and beat Florida and Washington later this week. Those two games matter so much more than tonight ever did.

    They need a bare minimum of four points in these four games this week. Five points would be good and six or more would be a dream. And that can still happen.

  14. AdiVinnie21

    If only Jiri was with us tonight. We would have been Kuliching everyone on the ice

  15. It’s hard to give a shit about a rivalry against a team we’re gonna play like twice all season and I still like O’Reilly so good luck leafs I’d like to see you beat the lightning in the first round

  16. beeeeepppp

    Game was pretty shit to start but the second and third were better. Tough loss to a good team. Showed hear to stay in it but should not have let it get that bad

    More importantly, I will not watch the next 3 ESPN games. That was miserable. Announcers who just wouldn’t shut up, a weird fashion show intermission, and terrible cameras. Just an all around terrible broadcast that makes me happy I don’t pay for ESPN+

  17. Sgt-Pumpernickel

    Paitence is all but gone. Too hard to be a sports fan in this city most days

  18. jjmick716

    “LeAfS wiLl STilL lOSe iN tHe FiRSt roUNd” yeah like we wouldn’t kill to be in that position right now, we just had a former player on a rival team embarrass us at home, fucking blows

  19. andyouarenotme

    Tuch, Skinner, and Quinn are gamers. Each one scored and looked up to see how much time was left or got their teammates pumped up. Shame Thompson is snake bitten out there or this would have been a VERY interesting final minute and a half.

  20. Lanlis12

    It’s nice when former Sabres come back to Buffalo and get hat tricks against us. Especially when it’s players we all still think fondly of….

  21. Green_hippo17

    A shit start killed us. I rly like our second and third, If that tage shot doesn’t go off the shaft, man it’s 5-4, all the momentum, damn. Comrie has a chance to steal the net from UPL after his post all star break performances. Ukka wasn’t great tonight, not all the goals were his fault but we coulda escaped the first down 2 not 4, he didn’t cost us but didn’t help. Onto Tampa, big 2 games upcoming, win them

  22. adolce95

    Honestly don’t feel too bad about that one. They were the better team for the final 40 minutes and made it interesting at least at the end. They just really have to figure out how to not completely forget what hockey is for five minutes every game, it’s costing them bad.

    That being said, I’m proud of them for almost digging themselves out of a deep hole against a very good team. There were a couple times you could tell the Leafs tried to turn it back on and close it out and the Sabres just told them no.

    Biggest regret is not pulling UPL after the third goal. I don’t really fault him for any of the first three but he was clearly rattled and needed to come out before the fourth goal was scored.

    Oh well. Build on the last 40 minutes and beat Tampa.

  23. osamagotpwnd

    Remember when yall were upset that we only have to face the leafs 3 times this year?

  24. seeldoger47

    could’ve been a lot worse. glad it wasn’t.

  25. TheFerricGenum

    People are mad we just got smoked by Toronto, and I get that. I’m mad too about that. But here are a few things that help take the sting out of this.


    – A loss to Toronto isn’t the worst loss we can take, and we were never going to win every game this week.

    – Toronto just absolutely hammered home two important lessons that the boys seemingly refuse to learn.

    1. You just CANNOT have sustained defensive lapses and beat good teams.
    2. Coming out flat can dig a big enough hole that no amount of offense can overcome it


    Am I happy Toronto was the team that taught us these things? Or that they did it in our barn while having 70%+ of the fans cheering for them? Hell no. But if we finally learn this lesson and stop leaving out netminders out to dry over and OVER again, it might be worth it.

    It will be especially worth it if Donny Meatballs learns to use his timeout sooner. If we give up a goal that’s due to a pretty bad defensive lapse, he has to watch closely. If it looks like we are starting to fall apart, he has to call T/O at the first available whistle. Whether that’s a stoppage or because we cough up a second goal doesn’t matter. The team has shown time and time again that they get flustered and do not immediately recover when that flustered-ness costs them a goal. I’m all for letting the boys grow through experience, and at some point they need to learn how to lock it down after they collapse for a second. But at this point in the season, it’s time to give them all the support you can so they can learn some playoff lessons instead.

  26. Own_Cartoonist266

    Well that game was a punch right in the twat

  27. SissyGeminiNosebeers

    It is disgraceful how many Maple leafs fans are able to get tickets. season ticket holders who sell to make a few bucks can fuck off

  28. AdMaleficent9374

    I would like to re-iterate what I said in GDT: I want to immigrate to the after life every time we play at home.

  29. Sabres8127

    Buffalo played the same game in San Jose. Difference is that San Jose doesn’t score like Toronto does. They need to play all three periods if they are gonna compete for a playoff spot. Let’s hope we turn this around in Tampa.

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