@Carolina Hurricanes

Jesperi SO goal even gets Rod to smile!

Jesperi SO goal even gets Rod to smile!

by Biffdickburg


  1. You know, I watched Rod talking to Wes and he looked like it was an aggressive conversation but I’m genuinely starting to think Rod just always looks like that 😂

  2. MisterBuzz

    This looks like a Papa John’s ad from far away

  3. on the postgame show, they showed the bench reaction right after the goal and rod was REALLY grinning from ear to ear. he may have even been laughing a little

  4. canestros

    I think this look from a coach says so much more than any post game press.

    That’s a coach that REALLY likes his team. That’s a smile of a proud father.

  5. jnmartin7171

    Roddie smiling like another Roddie

    Mr. Piper.

    I ain’t telling him he can’t rock a kilt it he wants. Are you?

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