@Vancouver Canucks

Caption this picture

Caption this picture

by julesieee


  1. julesieee

    “When an extrovert adopts an introvert”

  2. TheDutchin

    Moments after big brother finished bullying younger brother

  3. TheDutchin

    Fan submission:

    When mom says it’s your turn on the Xbox

  4. CamaroGirl96

    Poor Quinn. Hit in the face so many times this season his muscles are destroyed and he can’t even smile.

  5. mcgunnshow

    *people let me tell you bout my beeeeest friend….*

  6. ThisIsFineImFine89

    “Nose stop puck. Very bad. Smiles make very good. Win Canucks!”

  7. aknudskov

    Bananas and Pepsi on the left, biofuel on the right

  8. CamaroGirl96

    Everyone needs to go on Kuzys instagram story and see what he just posted with this picture 😂😂

  9. DouggietheK

    Cheer up little buddy is just hockey game!

  10. Older brother comforts sibling and assures him dad will be right back with the milk.

  11. BannedRemovedDeleted

    One gets to play forward in the NHL. The other has to play Defense.

  12. Looney_forner

    Tigger meets Eeyore for the first time

  13. VancityRenaults

    When you meet Connor McDavid at the airport and ask for a selfie

  14. KegMcGregg

    Cause we’re the two best friends that anyone could have

  15. TypicalCanad1an

    Kuzy is an absolute gem. We must protect him at all costs!

  16. pigeonbobble

    Kuzmenko looks like that ancient aliens guy meme

  17. daaanish

    This is the best Canucks photo since Linden/McLean.

  18. wanked_in_space

    “Hey buuuuuuddy”
    -Paulie Shorezmenko

  19. Grumparoo

    *From Left to Right:* Friday 5pm, Monday 9am

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