@Toronto Maple Leafs

John Tavares slash on Vincent Desharnais – Have your say!

John Tavares had enough of this net front battle with Vinnie Desharnais, and decided to end it once and for all. With two handed axe chop to the wrist. Was it justified? Does that even matter? Tough Call will be reviewing the incident.

Fine, suspension, or nothing? Have your say!


  1. Never mind the uncalled cross checks and spears to the back of the leg. Two wrongs don't make a right. This is a bona fide slashing call. Borders on being a major.

  2. Was absolutely deserved. Wouldn't have happened if officials did their job at any point during this game

  3. This is keefe fault this is why you traded for Luke shemm to protect your star players didnโ€™t dress him again but still has holl in the line up

  4. As an objective fan of hockey theyโ€™re both at fault..but I can honestly say that if I took 4-5 cross checks to the back and arm where thereโ€™s no padding and then a hook/attempted trip I would most definitely retaliate in one way or another similar to Tavares ๐Ÿค”

  5. Scumbag move. Tavares always gets heated vs the Oilers. Not sure what gets him so riled since he coached McDavid as a youth lmao

  6. Should have been a suspension for the reason that, notwithstanding what Desharnais himself did, Tavares is holding the Oilers player's stick as he slashes him. Desharnais's wrist is in fact very vulnerable as he can't remove it from what's coming.

  7. While the slash is a penalty and yeah a fine fuck around and find out. If your going to Piss people off like that your going to have consequences ๐Ÿ˜Š

  8. read a whole lot of the responses…. Light 2 hander? it was an "intent to injure" should be 2 game suspension at least …The Great TAVARES… he is chicken shit and I hope the next time he is on the ice with Desharnais, he puts his head on a swivel and Vincent lays a couple of those hands of stone on the side JT's jaws … the only way this lumber jack chops STOP!!

  9. 4 uncalled cross checks, attempt at a trip via a spear to the foot/calf and then a hook…….yeah these refs are fucking retardedly blind…..And im a Wings fan not a Leafs fan lol…..Desharnais got what he deserved

  10. After trying to trip him up with that stick version of a slew foot (with JT coming off a concussion) Desharnais got what he deserved.

  11. 2 handed slash with a huge swing down that could've broken a wrist snd ended a season and only a fine? Oh wait, the sweater he wearing, nevermind about it being illegal.

  12. I would absolutely love to see the response if an oiler did that to mathews. I bet all of a sudden it would be suspendable.

  13. I thought the โ€œcross checksโ€ by the d man would have been a lot worse. But those look pretty standard , happens 10-20 times every game in front of the net.

    Tavares messed up by losing his cool. Leafs fan here and Tavares is lucky he is a star player, if the defender slashed him like that, i think they would have probably got a 5 and 2 game suspension

  14. The third crosscheck was where it went too far, and then the intentional attempt to trip. Don't care if Tavares was holding the stick or not, desharnais is the one that put it there initiating a hook. Twit got exactly what he deserved for that. The real blame should be on the refs. Ignore stuff like that and this is going to happen.

  15. Desharnais FAFO'd. Just a small back story here, the ref crew were the same ones in Leafs/Tampa Game 7 last year. Let Perry grab 34's sweater for ten seconds or so getting towed around the ice. Tell you one thing, you dare me to call a penalty on you… I'll certainly oblige.

  16. Like others have said, refs let the d man crosscheck all the time when it should be called. When the refs donโ€™t make calls, stuff like this happens. He even jabbed Tavares in the leg trying to knock him down. When refs donโ€™t make calls, the game gets more dangerous. Itโ€™s pretty sad that refs just choose what and when to call things and get away with it.

  17. I know if I was cross checked like that, then a stick to the balls etc, I'd do a lot more than slash. Take his head off

  18. Tavares takes this shit all the time. The jab behind the knee to throw him off balance pissed him off followed by two hooks and he hacked the guys wrist. That's it. Too bad it hurt the guy but this shit happens all the time.

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