@Pittsburgh Penguins

Jacob Trouba hit on Alex Nylander – Have your say!

Jacob Trouba has yet another controversial open ice hit, this time on Alex Nylander. Some call him dirty. Some call him the best hitter in the league. What do you think of this hit? Tough Call will be reviewing. Have your say!


  1. As shoulder to shoulder, as shoulder to shoulder gets. They should use this hit as an example of perfectly placed contact.

  2. if you do t like trouba or the rangers, or you're a lens fan and like whatever his name is that got hit, then it's a CoNtRoVeRsIaL hit, if you're watching with no bias, and know hockey… there's nothing wrong with it…

  3. Clean hit if it was 10 years ago. They tend to call that now. It was a pure suicide pass from the defence tho

  4. people in these comments are brainwashed. it was a hit to the head and nylander was no where near the puck. just ridiculous. trouba shouldn’t be in the league.

  5. finishing a check. there's a lot of bullshit misunderstandings in hockey. A hit like this is called finishing your check. A "submarine" is called a hip check, legal. A "locker room" doesnt exist, they;re called dressing rooms because there's no lockers in them. hockey is becoming soft because people who have never played are dictating the conduct. this is a clean hit.

  6. I hate Trouba more than any other player from his elbows last year. But this was just a clean hit.

  7. no controversy here, clean hit ! wouldve maybe liked him to not launch himself upwards, but he still went through the body and not the head, nothing wrong here really

  8. Also, Trouba didn't center punch Nylander. He may have hurt Nylander's shoulder, but the hit twisted Nylander around. Could have ended much worse for Nylander and by extension Trouba. When Trouba was at Michigan I told people I was pretty sure Trouba would hit his own grandmother if she had on skates and an opposing sweater.

  9. Jacob Trouba should teach classes on body checking, that was text book! Player had the puck, elbow tucked in, lead with the shoulder, and drove through the chest. Great hit!

  10. To me that looks as clean and text book as you can have for a hit.

    And I am a Pens fan, those are the kinds of hits I want to see them make. Just a good, hard, clean play.

  11. I'm a Pens fan and I never thought the hit was dirty. However, Trouba has a reputation so I fully supported Nylander's teammates for going after him anyway. It sent the message that he wasn't going to get away with the next one that would be dirty.

  12. The collective whining from the entire arena after this CLEAN hit is such a joke. Softest fanbase around.

  13. Wish we still had him in Winnipeg. When he was a rookie he was pure skill. Now he’s a beast as well. Don’t ask dumb questions.

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