@Montreal Canadiens

Update: Went for it. Named this little guy Arber. Born at 1am today. Go Habs Go

Update: Went for it. Named this little guy Arber. Born at 1am today. Go Habs Go

by DFF_Canuck


  1. SuggestedUserShame

    Tough Guy

    Congratulations he’s a handsome lad

  2. BackgroundMiserable5


    If he eats like Arber, you’re going to need some dough.

  3. might have considered Youppi with those locks!


  4. DarthLordDonkey

    Congrats! I’m happy we got some resolution from your previous post lol

  5. Burgergold

    Hope your last name isn’t Tremblay, Arber Tremblay sounds weird

  6. Ayyy what a beauty !

    Congratulations mom and dad, you got a handsome little badass !

  7. _makoccino_

    A fine name. May he grow as strong as his namesake.

  8. Congrats. The kid’s already got a hip nickname.

  9. fatbaIlerina

    Arber is such a kickass name even in isolation from Xhekaj.

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