@National Hockey League

James Reimer addresses the LGBT community

James Reimer addresses the LGBT community

by info-warz


  1. RacecarDriverGuy

    If we have to accept everyone, we should accept EVERYONE, not just those who we agree with. I don’t agree with him, but he’s got his right just like everyone else.

  2. YanksFanInSF

    I mean, that’s kind of it. Don’t like something, don’t do it. So long as a person isn’t actively shoveling hate or trying to pass laws/rules against something they don’t like and are live and let live I don’t see a problem with it.

    My initial reaction to this was fuck that guy, but, doesn’t seem like it’s hateful, he’s just not going to support it. I don’t agree with him, but also, I guess whatever?

  3. nottostirthepotbut

    Who cares? Can we all just go on living our lives?

  4. People in this comment section need to comes to terms that not everybody has to think or feel like you. Get over it. He has his beliefs clearly stated, you have yours. Move the fuck on with your lives

  5. RodgerThat1995

    He is 100% in the right. He has the rights to his beliefs just like LGBTQ community and should be able to act upon on those beliefs in a safe environment just like them. As long as no violent or discriminatory action is taking place he can freely choose to do what he wants. To force your beliefs or discriminate this man because of not going along with it is exactly what the LGBTQ community and every other minority is fighting against themselves. The second anyone takes away freedom of speech or the ability to choose it becomes a slippery slope of control and who knows where it ends or what extreme actions it may cause. Once people feel harassed or unsafe they will “burrow” in a sense and surround themselves with only others of like-mind and that’s when self growth stops and the chance for extreme ideals to begin to hatch. It’s a lose lose for everyone.

  6. SimplySeager

    Wearing or not wearing a rainbow jersey literally means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Who cares

  7. Unhappy_Quarter154

    Hey, man.

    If you don’t support me, you don’t support me.

    Quit hiding behind a book and religion.


  8. Sensitive_Tough1478

    He doesn’t owe anyone an explanation

  9. jerichomega

    Why the hell does it say “Twitter is better” at the end?

  10. ThrillRam

    Love the marking of NSFW. I don’t get what is wrong with wearing a Jersey that just shows love and support to people.

  11. Hattrick_Swayze2

    If there were a night celebrating bastards or disabled people would he opt out as well? Religions can evolve. Pope Francis has publicly said that homosexuality is not a sin. It’s time for people to stop hiding behind religion when it comes to supporting human rights.

  12. Emergency_Let_3873

    If he doesn’t want to wear the ribbon that’s his prerogative.
    Why is it news ? Who cares? You made an issue of it by making it news.

  13. BinnerBangedYourMom

    Chappelle said it best in my opinion

    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?”

  14. So hockey is not for everyone… Imagine the shit show if someone refused to wear a military warm up jersey….

  15. I respect his dedication to the bible. I wonder where he gets sporting equipment sourced that’s not made of mixed fibers? I imagine it would be difficult.

  16. IBentMyWookie728

    If his reasoning is that his beliefs are bound by the Bible, that’s his prerogative. The Bible also states that he who works on the Sabbath should be put to death (Exodus 35:2). He’s started Sunday games. Does he think he should be put to death for not keeping holy the Sabbath? Probably not, so then this is a case of him picking what in the Bible he chooses to believe and what he doesn’t, which makes him a hypocrite and an even shittier person

  17. Taintcomb

    I can’t help but notice that athletes who use religious beliefs as their reason for not participating in Pride nights seem to have no issue playing games on the sabbath.

  18. nattylightman1

    Why do sports teams have to have a night to celebrate who people are having sex with?? Isn’t that a private matter I love anybody who loves hockey I don’t care who they are having sex with.

  19. ockhamist42

    I actually think this is a reasonable thing for him to say and do, as long as he sticks with the whole Bible thing without picking and choosing.

    If he sticks with the whole Bible, all of it, that is. If he does that then, it’s not him, it’s the Bible.

    If he only sticks with it on certain things but not others, well… then that’s him.

    Like I’m sure no hockey playing work between sunset on Friday and Saturday, right? I mean, that being one of the commandments, that’s an easy one, right?

  20. intelpentium400

    You can accept and respect people without having to be cheerleaders for them. This is an example of that.

  21. TomKazansky13

    What I don’t understand is how people claim they have to hate gay people/can’t support them because “the Bible is the highest authority”. But then they ignore hundreds of other ridiculous things the Bible says like killing people who play with dead pigskin. If he’s going to take the Bible this seriously, how can he play on Sundays? That’s very clearly forbidden to a much greater extent than a handful of references to gay people.

  22. gilgaladxii

    Don’t play on Sundays then… it is a day of rest.

  23. mymar101

    My biology is incompatible with your beliefs then. Biology doesn’t care about your beliefs. I will choose to spend my money elsewhere.

  24. PenguinsExArmyVet

    I’m gay Leave the guy alone He’s not hurting anyone

  25. RSlashLazy

    I’m bi. I don’t care. If he doesn’t want to do it, ok, you do you.

  26. DonkGoblin

    Out of every person i know personally in the LGBTQ community, not a single one of them gives a flying fuck about the warmup jerseys. Not one.

  27. Gregx007

    I just love how christians hardcore defend the bible only when it is about the gays. Literally its one paragraph out of the WHOLE BIBLE with hundreds of pages and thousands of words. But at least he properly addressed the situation

  28. PPBalloons

    It’s amazing how fast the usual suspects swung from “shut up and play” to “it’s his right”. You do realize everyone sees through your fucked up hate?

  29. SnazzyCazzy1

    If you are using religion as your reason for not participating in pride night then you need to follow EVERY part of your religion, his religion is generally pacifists so why does he participate in Military appreciation night which supports a non pacifist job? His Jersey is made of polyester and he isn’t supposed to wear Polyester, AND his religion says not to work on Sundays but he has worked on Sundays. Picking and choosing what religious beliefs just to shield your own beliefs is downright fucking horrible. No one should be allowed to have beliefs on what other people do with their bodies and their identity.

  30. SideBarParty

    Good thing James Reimer refuses to play hockey on the Lord’s day, when He commanded us to rest.

  31. riptydeco

    I seriously doubt you have kindness in your heart for people who your religion says are going to hell.

  32. SchneidfeldWPG

    I’m sure he’ll be following the bible & donating all his money to the poor, since rich men don’t get into heaven.

    “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of god.” -Mark 10, Verses 21-25

  33. Danroy12345

    To me freedom of speech works both ways. He’s not saying anything hateful just choosing not to take part in something. That’s just how it be.

  34. RealToemen

    The Bible tells me to not treat you with respect so I won’t.

    But I treat you with respect.

  35. The silly thing is, is that the same people who say “it makes no difference if someone wears the jersey so who cares?” are the same people who claim there’s a war on Christianity because a store clerk wished them a “happy holidays.”

  36. Otters_with_Waffles

    This is how us Christians need to act about the LGBTQ community. Poggers for this dude.

  37. cool_memes

    It’s weird becuase gay people are real the Bible is fake

  38. Jack_Stewart_III

    So, everyone should be welcomed…but on a night to show this community they’re welcome, you decide to sit out? Sounds like you’re not all that welcoming.

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