@Washington Capitals

Matt Dumba hit on Evgeny Kuznetsov – Have your say!

Matt Dumba delivered this thunderous hit to Evgeny Kuznetsov and was immediately challenged by TJ Oshie. The only penalties were to Oshie for fighting and instigating the fight, and to Dumba for fighting only. No penalty as called for the hit itself. Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. Left his feet, primary point of contact into the head (you can see this clearly at 0:29), blindside hit. If it was Wilson he'd have been tossed and suspended. Instead the victim's team goes shorthanded and loses one of their best players for 15 minutes. Oh well, NHL gna NHL

  2. I'm a wild fan. Skates on the ice? Look in slow mo. He moves low to high and his momentum starts at or near Kuz's head. Someone post the NHL rule on checking, roughing, and hit to head (I googled but could not find it). I would call a roughing or illegal check to head. The intent is not to separate the puck here. It was to knock him out.

  3. Clean hit and Kuznetsov was looking for trouble pretty much whole game pretending he was tough

  4. This was clearly a clean hit. I mean he kept his arm tucked in. Bunch of people sound like snowflakes in here.

  5. Huge hit. Hard to call, but from video definitiv blind side to the head. If it was Wilson he would have been f'ed. Takes arrogance to receive a pass in that position and be ready for the train…

  6. Huge hit. Hard to call, but from video definitiv blind side to the head. If it was Wilson he would have been f'ed. Takes arrogance to receive a pass in that position and be ready for the train…

  7. Bunch of Karen’s saying hit was not clean. Shoulder to shoulder first point of contact and the rest you can’t control..arms fly sup and skates Come off the ice from the contact. Don’t try turn Hockey into soccer folks the game needs the hits and emotion from hits!!!

  8. No dog in the fight. Skates are on the ice, elbow is tucked, the head gets hit but is not the principle point of contact, IMO he was within the window to be checked; it is a tough call

  9. If Tom Wilson made that hit, he'd be banned for the season. It was a dirty, completely unnecessary hit. He'll pay down the road. Hockey players have long memories

  10. 1 out of 5 Troubas. Left his feet, but he needs to work on his elevation if he wants to obtain higher Trouba scores for head hunting.

  11. Skates down, stick down, Kuznetsov should've had his head up. Contact was made to both the shoulder and the head – the arms make contact first, but Dumba clearly lifts himself before contact is made, eventually directing his shoulder solely and squarely to the head. Kuznetsov should've had his head up but, in my opinion, there's clear intent on Dumba's part and it should've been called an illegal check to the head.

  12. Tough, but i think its a illegal check to the head. He barely gets enough shoulder and gets a decent amount of head contact. Also an awful suicide pass to kuzy there, had no chance to look up and brace for a hit like that.

  13. It was a clean hit, and the Caps were dirty and chippy up to that point. Dumba stood up and made a statement, and it worked exactly like it was supposed to in big boy hockey. 

    The refs are horrendous in the NHL, and the league itself is a complete joke with Bettman in charge. Can't negotiate TV contracts, the Az. Coyotes are playing in a college arena, where they have become a dumping ground for teams that can't or won't give players contracts, and the rules mean nothing because they get overturned by people in some 'war room', and they screw it up more than half the time. I won't even begin to try and describe how moronic the 'Department of Player Safety' is with their rulings.

  14. Clean hit all the way. Tight shoulder, elbow in, skates still on ice, can’t get any more textbook clean hit than that.

  15. looks like a hard clean hit to me-obviously Kuznetsov was looking back and never saw it coming—kudo's to Dumba for not striding into him raising his shoulder and making contact with his head—he did'nt leave his feet nor bring up his elbow either of which may have caused a blow to the head —looks like shoulder to shoulder clean hit—Kuznetsov put himself in a vulnerable position but Dumba did nothing to injure him in my books —–no penalty. Oshie took exception and earned an instigator call–refs got it right 100%

  16. You never want to see a player hurt but the hit appeared clean. I see shoulder to shoulder and if Dumba's feet left the ice it was brief and likely a result of the collision itself. Dumba drew a good angle and caught him by surprise. It happens. I'm really more of a Caps fan but that's how I see it anyway. Hoping he will be ok.

  17. Clean hit on a guy who wasn't looking. Extremely hard checks are allowed in hockey and Dumba followed all the rules for it to not be a penalty which is why it wasn't called.

  18. I'm a massive Caps fan as you can see by my profile picture. Dumba leads with his shoulder. Kuzy is lowered a bit but it is still shoulder to shoulder contact. It is a bit of a blindside and TVR better be buying Kuzy a steak dinner for that pass. Kuzy also needed to be more aware of who was around him. Needed to pick his head up. I say clean.

  19. Another one of these cases that are probably "clean" per the NHL player safety, but an illegal check to the head in Europe + suspension. Head contact is considerable despite brushing the shoulder initially, as best shown at 0:26. This hit is high and not square on Kuznetsov's body.

  20. I'm a caps fan but man was that a good clean hit.. They need to be shaken up a little caps been so inconsistent this year its embarrassing.

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