@Edmonton Oilers

Oilers support Pride

Oilers support Pride

by Electrical-Potato915


  1. SydneyCarton89

    Zach Hyman, class act as usual. I hope they have more themed practice jerseys in the future. I love our Turtle Island ones; all that merch is top notch. I’m sure the Pride and Black History ones would look great too.

    With us having two black players and such a rich history (by hockey standards, at least) of black players in this organization, I’m surprised there weren’t black history jerseys. Probably a budget/money thing.

  2. popkornking

    It’s unfortunate that jerseys have become the focal point of the discussion to the point that other demonstrations of support are being deemed not enough. It’s a strange line in the sand to draw although very on brand for reddit/the internet in general.

  3. giraffebaconequation

    If the oilers would drop a pride jersey I’d love to pick one up and wear it for all of June.

    Two parades to attend that month. Toronto pride, and oilers cup parade.

  4. klefbom

    Connor privately texted Bayne Pettinger right after he came out as gay, “Doesn’t change a thing dude, honestly. Just happy ur happy.” ([x](

    He’s a really good guy and we’re beyond lucky to have him, it goes without saying that Hyman is awesome too.

    I knew our team had allies in high places so it would’ve broken my heart if they turned on us now, as a gay member of the hockey community. Really encouraging to see this today ❤️

  5. shittybillz

    Thank goodness we got good lads on our team.

  6. OEG, class act by the organization! Looks good.

  7. KingDave46

    I’d love for the team to do a pride jersey. Good cause and basically always look great

    I know my gf would be first in line to get one

  8. BronzeDucky

    Not an Oilers fan, but plus 1 on all that.

  9. JohnBubbaloo

    It’s stupid that players and teams all have to say this stuff these days.

  10. Darrenwad3

    All we are one/ pure love and conciousness. Christianity is evil. A life based on fear, good times.

  11. Excellent-Medicine29

    Props to Hyman for actually saying “gay” outloud. Seems silly to give him props for that but I’ve noticed that with all the conversation happening, it’s been very generalized. “All fans are welcome” “everyone should be included”. Very vague and generalized statements.

  12. Lazlogonzo

    I was hoping to see this from our team. Sure it’s not Jersey’s ( which I think is a cash cow for some orgs ) but the fact they are contributing in larger ways says quite alot.

  13. SmileLivid3409

    I wanna know if Robert Clark gets to watch all hockey games for free because he should.

  14. PapaAsmodeus

    Yep, I’m a gay fan myself and it makes me happy that we have a wholesome bunch on the team who support us. Hyman in particular calling Pride “something very important to (him)” made me even prouder to call him one of my biggest heroes and inspirations.

    Especially the recent news with the assholes refusing to wear the Pride jerseys, we have a bunch of wholesome lads on our team who realize showing their support is the least they can do. We stan these guys.

  15. CrankyGeek1976

    The GMU Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity is an awesome organization! I’ll be buying a mitfull of 50/50 tickets tomorrow.

  16. therat57

    I mean do people really care one or the other if Anthem singer is gay As long as he can sing? I am for personal choice if you wanna wear a pride jersey fine if I don’t want to that should be fine as well.

  17. AccomplishedFilm1

    God damn Hyman is just the best! I don’t care if the guy shits the bed for the rest of his contract, we are lucky to have such a wonderful person on this team.

  18. Gr0sJambon

    I’m happy the team seems to be holding firm on their Pride celebrations, as well as taking extra time to highlight many of their secondary events as well as the leadership group making a point of saying the right things publicly.

    It could still change by puck drop tomorrow, and I’d love for the Oilers to do a jersey in the future, but at this point this is a huge win for the org.

  19. SammyKroc

    I’m a gay hockey fan and it fills me with pride that the Oilers organization are so progressive and loud about this. With what is going on around the league, I think it’s important to push the issue and lead by example.

  20. LeaveTheWorldBehind

    I sort these threads by Controversial, AMA.

  21. genericusername742

    >The one thing that’s missing for Saturday is the Jerseys.

    Is it really though? They got the pride tape setup and all these other inquiries. Are the jerseys really all that necessary?

  22. Billion_Bullet_Baby

    Edmonton actually has a very inclusive and progressive team dating back years, probably before I was even born.

    I just remember in the Navy and Copper days, cheering on the likes of Anson Carter, Georges Laraque, Mike Grier. Then when we drafted Bear, I was so happy that we had a First Nations player and he was actually looking like a stud offensive defenseman.

    Now, seeing how we aren’t going out of our way to forgo the acceptance of another persecuted demographic in favour of appeasing the likes of white Christian values, which neither can really play the victim card and not come off as patronizing, makes me ever more proud to be an Oilers fan.

    The world is a better place when we’re all loved and accepted for being who we feel we are, no matter how different that makes each person.

  23. mattycakeeater

    Robert Clark is gay?! Where the fuck have I been?! You know what…. I should have seen the signs…. I should have known a straight man wouldn’t be dressed that good all the damn time…… those bow ties…… should have given it away…… damn it.

    Honestly, I actually had no idea he was gay. Very good. Moving on……. WHEN DO PLAYOFFS START?! I WANT PLAYOFF MCJESUS!!!!!

  24. mattycakeeater

    Black sweater…… rainbow oilers logo and name/number plate. Would look pretty fucking sweet actually……

  25. Ben-Swole-O

    “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

    Crazy how many Christians forget the word “whoever” in this…..

    Super frustrating.

    Not surprised at all that our team is supporting the gay community. Love is always the answer. Everyone deserves love and support.

  26. Reservoir22

    This made me very happy. I needed this today.

  27. Vlistorito

    I hope Hyman scores in triple overtime in game 7 of the SCF. What a chad.

  28. CreateorWither

    Holy fuck, how many threads about this shit is there gonna be?

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