@Toronto Maple Leafs

Joe Biden just took a shot at the Toronto Maple Leafs in his speech to Parliament

Joe Biden just took a shot at the Toronto Maple Leafs in his speech to Parliament

by VolumeNo5217


  1. VolumeNo5217

    I’m not even mad about what Biden said – the sting was the standing ovation Parliament gave him for saying it… No wonder the CN tower was lit up to support the Montreal Canadians in the playoffs a couple years ago….

  2. Beeronastring

    Matthews staying in Toronto confirmed.

  3. Kinglokner16

    We live rent free in the President of Untied States of America head

  4. reggierock2010

    The president of the United States of America got a standing ovation at parliament for shitting on the leafs lmao what a wild time to be alive aha

  5. GrossoFTW

    I bet there’s somebody from a remote tribal village in the Amazon that hates the Leafs too

  6. MrYamaguchi

    Old fuck can suck it, I hope we win and our peon prime minister rubs it in his face.

  7. Choclate_And_Ice

    Trump would never have said that. (Put your pitchforks down, I was jk of course)

  8. xtzferocity

    Does he know EVERYONE beats the Flyers. I still have wounds from the Flyers beating us in 2003/2004.

  9. HowieFeltersnitz

    Hahaha this is incredible. Can’t even be mad. Great chirp.

  10. ElDobre97

    Bet he can’t even name more than one or two other Canadian teams

  11. DangleWho

    The leafs deserve all the criticism that comes to them until they prove otherwise

  12. housington-the-3rd

    The lowest hanging fruit of a joke. Good one Joe, make fun of us for igloos and maple syrup next.

  13. SDAisaleaf

    No wonder our country is such a mess, there aren’t nearly enough politicians who are Leaf fans

  14. ElDobre97

    Last two posts on the Sens sub are about the Leafs. Insanely obsessed

  15. SpicyP43905

    Nothing to be mad about imo, he’s just poking fun at us

  16. Jumbofato

    The minute that if and when the Leafs win the cup I will be the biggest fucking asshole to every single person that has trashed the Leafs all these decades lol. It will be worth it lol.

  17. Medium_Well

    This is honestly pretty funny. It’s the same in the US — there are millions of Cowboys fans, but tens of millions more who loathe the Cowboys.

    It’s good politics and will make the news. Who cares.

  18. anonymous_DoDoBeDoDo

    Geez, come on, guys, it was a joke ( and a funny one). Let’s not get butthurt.

  19. jeffreylist1986

    He also thinks Gary Bettman is “Batman” so I don’t put too much stock into this

  20. 123jazzhandz321

    Biden was pumping the Leafs tires haha, the rest of the house wouldn’t let him finish with his joke.

  21. MatchMirner

    Are people actually offended over this? Lol he made a joke about hating them because they beat his wife’s favourite team.

  22. I’m just laughing that I got a push notification from the CBC News App about this. Breaking news!

  23. BasslineBoogalo

    Carlton has never beaten up a kid, unlike Gritty. His doddering opinion is invalid.

  24. People are actually salty about this? Shits hilarious!

  25. SyphiliticPlatypus

    Are people truly upset about this?

    If so, did you actually watch the clip? Please do as it gives context.

    If you watched the clip and are still salty, well, sometimes statespeople and orators like to form connections with the crowd. Love Biden or hate him, he got where he is by being a good orator.

    This was a classic move to generate response initial response and engagement (positive and negative – wake the crowd up and engage) then turn it to something human and down to earth.

  26. MadVillain1

    I love how the Leafs stay on everyones mind. I can take solace from knowing that.

  27. razor787

    Honestly, when he got the round of applause from everyone, he should have just left it at that. Cut out the reason why, the speech would be infinitely better without it.


    At least watch the clip before you dumb dumbs sound off

  29. SandraBeechBLOCKPrnt

    Comment got a good pop but his explanation killed it.

    Clearly a writer found some common ground to write into the speech and Biden hating the Leafs because they beat Philly once and his wife is from Philly … is a reach.

  30. Shawnaldo7575

    Holy shit! Leafs got free rent at the White House too!

  31. You know you’ve made it when you get chirped by
    the POTUS.

  32. Aslightlywetnapkin

    I’ve never seen a hate boner stronger than the one the world has for the leafs lol

  33. CanadaEhAlmostMadeIt

    Saying he hates the Leafs is how he gets western Canada on his side. He’s just picking the low hanging fruit that is appealing to Trump’ers out here in Alberta.

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