@Washington Capitals

Oshie hit on Lindgren – Have your say!

T.J. Oshie drilled Ryan Lindgren heavily into the boards. Lindgren immediately left the game with a shoulder injury. There was no penalty on the play, and this hit has divided the hockey world once again.
Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. What is a hit from behind? What is a boarding? Is this either?
Have your say!


  1. the penalty should been given for boarding, the league wants to stop this kind of hit to keep the players safe, it goes both ways.

  2. Routine dump in to the zone off a face off at the red line, but decided to charge the player, he didn’t have him lined up and had 75% of the numbers in front of him. This is charging.

  3. The final angle should be the educational video on Charging and Boarding. Oshie has him in his sights lined up from the start. He takes 4-5 strides and then coasts without slowing down, checks Lindgren with force from behind who gets crushed against the boards. Oshie had every opportunity to not finish the check on a defenseless player in a vulnerable spot. You may not like Lindgren, but this is a vicious dangerous hit.

    It is a boarding major in every other hockey game. Here the league appears to shrug their shoulders. What folks need to understand is that hits like these where more common until a few decades ago, with players getting gravely injured, some of them paralyzed. It happened in NHL, AHL, minors and international to such an extent leagues and Federations said enough, we can’t have this stuff as parents won’t allow their kids near the game. It is mind boggling that in 2023 in the best Pro-league of hockey a hit like this still happens with zero action from officials.

  4. Boarding and checking from behind are two very different penalties and for good reason. If you think this is clean because he didn't get him directly from behind then you aren't fully informed on all the penalties. This is text book boarding

  5. Larkin accidentally cross checks Oshie in the neck (game and 5k,) Lindgren intentionally cross checks Rasmussen in the neck (2 mins,) and a few games later Oshie puts Lindgren in a shallow grave… what full circle Karma we have here.

  6. The push through with the horizontal stick also adds to the boarding, watch the way Oshie extends his arms in a pushing motion at the end of the hit. Vicinity to the boards on a defenseless player also should come into play on this call. It should have been at least 2 minutes for boarding. 5 minutes is borderline.

  7. This is one of the more polarizing hits I've seen. He sees the numbers the whole way, he sees in a vulnerable spot right before the boards. While Lindgren turns to play the puck and avoid contact, so it isn't directly from behind, I still think this is easily boarding. He also using his stick in a cross checking motion, it's not like it's his arm or his shoulder. Probably not a 5 minute major like some people are saying, but easily a 2 minute call at least. The referee is right there, I have no idea what he thinks he saw on the play to not call anything. Good fight afterward, and the game got chippy for a few minutes, but quickly quieted down. I'd like to know what the referee standing right there thought, honestly

  8. One more terrible non-call in this game beside this one! Kuznetsov speared Philip Chytil and only got a 2 minute slashing penalty later on in the game. The officiating in the NHL has always sucked and it seems worse with TWO referees!!!!

  9. Was at the game and while I hate blaming refs for anything they definitely played a role in this one. This and the spear should have been called.

  10. This is a clean hit… and the only reason it turned out looking even slightly ugly, is because Oshie took an elbow to his chin, stunning him for half a second, and he wasn't able to stabilize for impact. The initial point of contact was Lindgren's elbow on Oshie's chin.

  11. He was targeted and drilled into board Its a dirty play. Glad Lindgren is only day to day.

  12. Some of these comments show the pussifcation of America and hockey. He was obviously thinking he’d hit him from the side. It’s a penalty but not at all dirty. BTW, boarding shouldn’t be a penalty. “Causing someone to go dangerously into the boards” but otherwise a legitimate hit. Every single time I hit someone I wanted them to know it. If you can, u get up against the boards. U never want to be more than a 6 inches away. Not my fault if someone doesn’t know how to take a hit.
    I get it, I’m old school and I’m 50. We won back to back national championships and our coach would break sticks over our back when we seriously screwed up Im practice. I hated him at the time, but I love him now. He prepared me for life. It’s shucking at the age of 50 that my generation spawned the woke generation. How the hell did this happen??? Sad

  13. I'm a Rangers fan and I'll still say this wasn't dirty. If your going to play the puck your job is to finish your check as they say. The only thing Oshie can b guilty of is mayb is choosing not to follow thru as hard as he could when he saw Lindgren was in an awkward position and just establish contact. Careless hit? Yes, dirty, NO

  14. I don't know why this is so tough of a call. It should have at least been a boarding penalty.

  15. It's one of those cases where, if he was closer to the boards it wouldn't have been an issue cuz he would've just been pressed up…… But because he was so far away from the boards there was enough distance for his head to dip down and hit the boards………

    TJ's fault, as the checker in a vulnerable position it was his due diligence to recognize this distance and judge whether he would injure the person or not.

    Micro seconds to decide, so really, intentful??? not in the slightest. But ignorant and reckless?? yes. 2 game suspension.

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