@Philadelphia Flyers

This is the right call. Not worth him rushing back and ending his career for games that don’t matter

This is the right call. Not worth him rushing back and ending his career for games that don’t matter

by Forney55


  1. Micksar

    Feel bad for him. He clearly feels like he needs to get at least a game in just to motivate him for the summer and make him feel like a hockey player again. Tough to rehab for so long without a some type of carrot or payoff.

    But his contract is just too big for us to risk him getting hurt. Better for him to continue building his strength up.

    Although, in a lost season… I feel like you could play him against the Hawks or Jackets at the end of the season and give him like 8 min TOI and tell him to stay away from the boards or crease and just have him feel “back”.

  2. Bright_Restaurant_17

    Fuck….was hoping to see him get a couple games in just to help him stay positive for next year. This isn’t “rushing” him back.

  3. qwopcircles

    There are two sides of this coin:

    * Get Cootsy back to keep his mental/emotional state of well-being positive
    * Keep him sidelined to ensure that nothing goes wrong with his back for so-called meaningless games.

    We all know the season is lost. Has been for some time now. My opinion is that whatever we can do to help our players, we should be doing it. I personally would want him to at least play one game before season end just to give him something to look forward to. Give him a goal to work towards. Keep his ice time minimal (15m tops) and don’t put him against anyone who’s going to hit hard. He needs to remember the feel of the game and not just practice/rehab. I also think he’s going to thrive in Torts’ system and the sooner he learns it, the better.

  4. $62,000,000 well spent; Chuck will haunt us for a decade on this awful contract.

  5. DanTreview

    Smart move. 👍 Love him, but not worth the risk.

  6. Bnagorski

    They should shut Konecny down for the year, too. No need for him to rush back either

  7. triniumalloy

    To be fair, our games haven’t mattered since mid November.

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