@Detroit Red Wings

INSTANCT REACTION to the Vancouver Canucks acquiring Filip Hronek from the Detroit Red Wings

Matt and Blake give their instant reaction to the #Canucks acquiring defenceman Filip Hronek and a 4th-round pick (2023) in exchange for the 1st-round pick they got from the New York Islanders in the Bo Horvat deal, and an additional 2nd-rounder (2023). #NHL #Hockey #VancouverCanucks #Vancouver

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  1. Watch the Canucks finish 17th overall this season, NYI dip just outside the playoffs and their pick rises to 13th. 😛

  2. Canucks need a 12 step recovery program. Step 1: we admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives had become unmanageable. Canucks step 1: we admitted Aquilini has to go! as Canucks fans have suffered long enough! Recovery begins with action never mind the other steps just do #1 first!

  3. RD Schenn was traded for a 3rd. In order to replace him, Canucks traded a 1st and 2nd for a RD replacement. Schenn was a 4D. Hronek is 4D on Detroit. And he is hurt and is a bad defensive player. Yzerman just panted the Canucks.

  4. If im Petterson agent and we suck again next year my agents presebting a huge number to management and getting out of this junk franchise

  5. As a wings fan I'm happy in the draft capital..we get another 1st and 2nd in a deep draft

  6. Um, right side defense that is middling sized and not a defensive stalwart = Massive overpay and bad fit. The Canucks still have no shutdown d pair. Stupid move.

  7. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is, there is no certainty that the first round pick is even going to be this year. the Islanders aren't exactly setting the world on fire, so their pick could automatically revert to next year. Getting a youngish RHD on this talent level is gonna cost more than a bag of magic beans. And have to remember this Is the Canucks drafting. Yeah they sometimes do great with their first rounders. Sometimes they draft Olli Julevi or Shotgun Jake. They got proven NHL talent, in their weakest position that matches the age group of the core.

    I like the trade.

  8. One of the dumbest moves ever. This team can’t afford him nor are they ready to compete. They’re burning their future.

  9. Originally I was angry. But now I’m waiting to see. We need a RHD. we have Petey, Quinn, and Demko in their prime or heading into their prime. I’m not going to be angry about this until it doesn’t work out. I get the anger, but I don’t want to waste our core guys years. I refuse to buy into the mob mentality. This management is not Jim Benning.

  10. Looks like they finally had it with acquiring picks and now this. They said it was a re-tool and not re-build lol. Hasn't worked the last 10 years, lets see if it works for the next 10. Doubt it as all the good teams have been built thru the draft

  11. I hope Petey doesn't re-sign and doesn't keep wasting his career in Vancouver. I'm thankful Bedard wont be a Canuck and won't be wasting his career here. Fuck Aquilini and fuck management, they don't deserve ANYTHING. This team will be destined for mediocrity.

  12. I do believe Hronek is a decent player, but getting pretty tired of this "Retool" mindset from this franchise after being a lifelong fan. I guess we are stuck with it until ownership hopefully changes one day. Perpetual mediocrity

  13. He's had a great season save for the last couple of games. I don't mind getting the picks, though. Enjoy the west coast, Hronek!

  14. Different GM, same bulllshit. Overpay and screw the fans. I've been watching this horror show since year one. I can count the highs on one hand. On occasion management has been able to sell hope. I hate this ownership group. They are getting what they deserve, but unfortunately so are the fans.

  15. This trade totally reminds me of an Oilers trade at the 2015 NHL draft. The Oilers GM Peter Chiarelli traded the 16th and 33rd pick to the Islanders for defenseman Griffin Reinhart. Both the 2015 and 2023 Drafts have a generational pheonom. The canucks traded a 1st and 2nd round pick for a defenceman. This Oilers trade was one of their worst in their History. Some of the players that the Oilers could have selected with these two picks were Matthew Barzal, Kyle Connor, Thomas Chabot, Evgeny Svechnikov, Brock Boeser, Travis Konecny and Sebastien Aho, The Oilers could have had two of these players but instead opted to get defensive help in Griffin Reinhart. This one trade and draft set the Oilers back a few years. Obviously Hronek is a much better defenseman than Reinhart. The point of this comment is to say what if? What if the 2023 draft is as deep as the 2015 draft? If this is the case then the Canucks braintrust yet again screwed the pooch. I guess time will tell.

  16. i like that they got a good right shot D in the same age range as petey and hughes… but that is about it. Should have got him in the summer, or another player. And not used the picks from this draft. Canucks failed to read the room.

  17. I don't know if they realize how upset fans are. There's a few left but many corporate seasons ticket holders I know are furious.

  18. They are also in cap hell again. They need to clear out about 8-10m to ice a team and hopefully resign their RFAs. Not counting LTIR

    Just when you thought they had smarten up they go down the rabbit hole again. For EPs sake I hope he doesnt resign more than the qualifying offer because this management will never ice a team that are a real stanley contender. They might win a round or two but on the whole they will be around the 10-20 range in the league going nowhere fast

  19. So annoying ti be a canucks fan then u have Detroit fan coming in here flexing the deal like coming wings fans it's bad enough in van we don't need u guys flexing on us lol

  20. Well it is still a big step up from Stillman and OEL. Time will tell if it is worth it. It is a little hard to swallow. A first and a second. We still need a big physical defenseman and forward. Lots of skill and no one to protect them. And it could be a bit of a game changer if he matches well with Hughes. He will be our second best defenseman.

  21. Horvat and #38 is a good trade for Filip Hronek if he continues to play like he did this year. Not sure why everyone is overreacting. Worry about dealing with Yzerman tho… he's a shark.

  22. I am not sure which is worse; the management, the media or the fans. While I wasn't pleased on the way this management group handled the Bruce Boudreau situation, my initial reaction was that Allvin was just a chipmunk. After watching his moves since emerging from under Rutherford, I have to say that he actually has a plan. While moving a 1st and a 2nd may seem like an over pay, people need to remember that the 1st was part of the Horvat trade. In reality, getting a legit RHD with term and cost control, along with Beauvillier and Raty for Horvat is a huge win. Fans need to stop complaining. The Canucks still have their original #1 pick, which is the one that holds its true value. They basically exchanged a 2nd round for a 4th to get a starting top pair RHD.

    I reserve my overall judgement until after the deadline passes. The fact that they haven't moved Boeser, Miller or Garland leads me to believe that they can recoup their picks in trading one or more of their key assets.

    This team has too much talent to do a rebuild. The management said they need major surgery of which I believe they are doing as part of a retool. They need to build around Petterson, Kuzmenko, Hughes and Demko. Those 4 are legitimate players that a rebuilding team wouldn't have. The other additions they have made compliment the plan of getting younger and building their prospect pool.

    We as fans can't complain about our defense and then complain when we actually get one. Draft picks are great but a proven commodity is worth more than a roll of a dice.

  23. After a day to digest, I'm still annoyed by this trade. I want to be optimistic about it, but it's hard when we've seen this exact type of organizational philosophy to team building completely screw the franchise for the better part of a decade now.

    To me, the 2nd hurts the most. I could maybe live with just the 1st, but then you throw in a high 2nd as well? I just don't understand. Why is this team is so dead set against building through the draft? I'm holding out hope that they'll at least recoup a 2nd before the deadline, but won't be surprised if they don't.

  24. Obviously this trade is not ideal. However what this does is allow Vancouver to not overpay in FA to get a top 4 RD after they send Myers somewhere in july after his bonus is paid. Myers will recoup some value at 1 year 3 mil cap (we retain half) with basically no real money paid out. Doesn't matter if he's trash he has value at those numbers. But you have to have a guy to eat his minutes and Hronek does that. If we get a 3rd for Myers, Hronek seems cheaper afterwards.

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