@Calgary Flames

Post-Game | Sutter – 04.04.23

“Turnovers cost us the hockey game.”


  1. Kadri wants the offseason or coach fired .Huberdeau is not what GM thought he was getting that is on him.

  2. Not embarrassing just expected at this point. No better then basement dwellers, just being coached up way better then sum of parts, just not enough raw skill individually or collectively. Even if they beat Wpg may be over as now Wpg can win 3 of 4 after tomorrow & still eliminate Flames.

  3. Lowpoint for Kadri, wow! Just killed the whole momentum. To be fair its not all his fault. The whole season has been a disaster. Goaltending = Horrible. New Additions (i.e Kadri/Huberdeau) = Not Good Enough

  4. Problem is the coaching with us. We are not making playoff with Sutters lack of energy and you can try to blame everything from goaltending to matchups to trade. Sutters lack of ambition is one of the main reasons.

  5. All of this just to get a middle draft pick once again. Same shit for the past 30 years

  6. for the first time I've seen Sutter resist throwing a player under the bus – he resisted even though the motherfucking hateful journalists lured him in a couple of times but he resisted. good on you pal!

  7. what about improper obsolete coaching and being persistent with a shitty approach to get marquee players like Kadri and Huberdeau and cage them, put Kadri on a line with Nick Ritchie!? limit him to 12 mins a game, restrict him from playing OT – what a fucking joke! but in reality shameful!!

  8. Let me geyt this straight
    Sutter does the 100% most radical move even in NHL history. He takes a 115 pt left wingger fo his entire career. And destroys his entire teams offence by playing home off wing after 115 pts in his entire career.
    And we have a debate????????????????????????????
    Sutter "criteria for decisions based on my skilled anylisis is"
    Markstrom can lose 100 of games…… but he is my ace!
    And that is why we keep him.
    ISutter says "I will take a 115 lpt left winger and shit down his throat and punish him like Satan punishes Judas….. and fuck up my entires teams season on this one player.
    Cause he ipeed me off once
    Sutter Cancer.
    This is not this game you fucking fools
    This is 60 games Huggy on right wing
    This Sutter is a cancer of delusional punishment from him to 1 player before his entire 400 person organisation

  9. The fakest disguised as wisdom news conferences ever. Guy calls his loser goalie an ACE so he doesn't have to admit he's wrong. Never addresses Hubby on the WRONG WING FOR 60 games like a cunt. Making HUbby play his off wing is the most radical decision one coach has made in the last 20 years and this fucking news media and experts haven't a fucking clue NOT 1 COACH HAS KILLED ONE PLAYER LIKE THIS since Ballard.

  10. Ecvery game is hard????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? He kill us with this
    NO!@ NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    EVery game is not hard so beat loser teams
    Won't say it.
    So we don't do it

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