@Montreal Canadiens

[Engels] The @CanadiensMTL are hosting Pride Night at the Bell Centre tomorrow. Martin St. Louis was asked how it’ll be handled. Here are his comments:

[Engels] The @CanadiensMTL are hosting Pride Night at the Bell Centre tomorrow. Martin St. Louis was asked how it’ll be handled. Here are his comments:

by Tripacka


  1. HabsDigest

    Very neutral response. Can’t really make anything of this until tomorrow, but we do know he’s not going all out saying yes everyone will participate. The Habs have one active Russian player (Gurianov) but who knows if there will be other religious players like the Staals and Reimer.

    Guess we just have to wait and see

  2. aka one or more players aren’t wearing the jersey.

  3. thomas_bombadill

    I hope he doesn’t want to say everyone is wearing them until he’s 100% sure everyone is, but this makes me feel like someone isn’t.

  4. NorthernDragon5

    I get the sense Marty won’t let the guys not participating slide

    Hopefully he proves me right and anyone that doesn’t wear the jersey is punished unlike some other teams

  5. SourForward

    Maybe someone doesn’t want to wear the jersey, but I don’t think that’s necessarily what his response is saying. I think he really just wants to make sure he has all the info before he answers an important question.

  6. crissdecaliss

    “I don’t care what religion, what race, what sexual orientation, it doesn’t matter to me.”

    Exactly how I feel too, and players have all the rights to choose wether they want to wear rainbow jerseys or not

  7. Seb_Nation

    T minus 1 day till all hell breaks loose.

    PR squad likely already bracing for impact.

  8. mayor__gergich

    If they auction these jerseys where would we bid on them?

  9. skradmore

    I think players should be able to wear regular jerseys in warm ups if they choose to instead. I don’t see how them wearing a pride jersey has to be something that reflects on their own beliefs but it seems like who’s not wearing it is the bigger story than teams doing pride nights. Which might actually be bringing more awareness to pride night than if everyone’s just wrote the jerseys

  10. Illumadaddy

    Anybody got a link to what the pride jerseys look like?

  11. mountainpope

    Feeling like Buddha right now with how much discipline I’m showing

    No more reincarnations as goats or birds, I’m ascending!

  12. VacheEnfantFringant

    I already know some dimwit won’t wear it by these corporate answers

  13. FatStupidOldMan

    The day where Toronto has more balls than Montreal on Pride.

    Sad. We’re better than this corporate schlock.

  14. Fezthepez

    I expect this sub to have a very mature response tomorrow if someone doesn’t wear the jersey. /s

  15. ApokatastasisPanton

    if a player doesnt wear the jersey im going to be very disappointed

  16. Hockeymask27_

    Maybe I’m dumb but if it meant avoiding a shit storm of PR and maybe help some kids feel more welcomed in the world by their fav sport hero. I’d wear a earth is flat warm up Jersey. No body is forcing them to kiss another guy or anything just put it on. ( Russia laws may be a valid excuse just because of all the “accidents” over there)

  17. Si j’étais un joueur du Canadiens, je ne le porterais pas.

  18. TripleWDot

    Could see a player like Guri not wear the jersey that’s about it though

  19. Which players won’t be available tomorrow for whatever reason? (Aside from the already known injuries of course)

  20. Khalixs1

    I support a players right to choose whether to support this cause or not.

  21. RealXPharaoh

    Reading all these comments is mad funny, thanks for the entertainment y’all.

  22. BlazeOfGlory72

    I find it disheartening how the media and fans have let the opinions of a handful of players completely derail and undermine what should have been a very positive message.

    Yes, it’s unfortunate that a few players don’t want to participate in the Pride events, but you’ll never get 100% of people to agree on anything. Hell, we can’t even get everyone to agree that the world is round. So the fact that roughly 99% of the NHL player base is in support of Pride should be a cause for celebration. Instead though, all anyone can do is look at the few backwards opinions and spin it into a negative.

  23. Gnorphs

    > All causes are important to me…

    That’s bullshit. No human being feels that way. That’s just what you say when you’re not really on board but don’t want to single yourself out. All lives matter, etc.

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