@Edmonton Oilers

Jake McCabe hit on Derek Ryan – Have your say!

Jake McCabe drove Derek Ryan face first into the boards. There was no penalty on the play. Was it clean or was it boarding? Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. I think he was looking for Ryan to open up more and hit shoulder on shoulder, but Ryan turns back to protect the puck. I don't think there's was intent to hurt, just poorly read play

  2. You can’t turn your body and expect you’re not going to be hit. If that was the case everyone would skate backwards so no one can do anything. He turned last second too you could see mccabe was goinn in for the hit before he even turned around

  3. Buddies taller than him and jumped into the hit along with it being a foot away from the boards. Should’ve been called but not surprised it wasn’t

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