@Vancouver Canucks

[Kurz] Bo Horvat says he didn’t mean any disrespect to city or fans of Vancouver with comments the other night

[Kurz] Bo Horvat says he didn’t mean any disrespect to city or fans of Vancouver with comments the other night

by 8J-QgvCfkqllcg


  1. Supercalifragilsthic

    Honestly didn’t take it that way. It sounded like he was just trying to hype up his new fanbase

  2. electricnux

    He needs to win over that fanbase in one way or another after signing that contract, easiest thing to say is always “x is much better than y” to hype them up

  3. 2BFrank69

    I laughed. I don’t give a shit, he’s gone.

  4. Brodie9jackson

    “It’s a hell of a lot better than Vancouver, I can tell you that for free” doesn’t sound like he “didn’t mean any disrespect”

  5. turbanator89

    A lot of folks on here simping hard for Bo. If he wanted to win points with the hometown crowd he can do so in any number of ways. At the end of the day, he chose to shit on a city and team for cheers.

    While he was here, there are some objective issues that shouldn’t be ignored: he made the playoffs once and the bubble playoffs once his entire time here and he presided over a dressing room that was in chaos. A good leader is able to manage all of the personalities, he just isn’t a strong enough leader. This led to him taking a shit on his former team.

    He knows he is overpaid and feels the need to convince his new fanbase. Good luck.

  6. He could have easily said his Isles experience was the best without naming Vancouver. But I guess he was probably hyped during the interview and said something which he could have easily ignored. It was enough to trigger any fanbase, not just us.

  7. NewWester

    Hey, oh, no disrespect but you’re ugly and stupid. But no disrespect tho.

  8. MasterChrom

    “Didn’t mean any disrespect” lmao, yeah okay bud. Why’d you feel the need to throw some shade at the fans that were nothing but good to you while you were here? No one put you on the spot or anything, you didn’t have to make a comment about Canucks fans at all. Get the fuck outta here with that lie.

  9. schierke_schierke

    it was pretty shocking to hear him say that, mostly because he usually gives the standard hockey interview answers. so many ways to answer that question and he chose the one that throws another fanbase under the bus.

    the comment was rather innocuous, but still went out of his way to throw shade at vancouver.

  10. Striking_Economy5049

    Honestly, who cares?

    He’s gone, and Vancouver seemingly got the better end of the trade. Good luck to him.

  11. DishwasherFromSurrey

    And when I boo you your first game back in Vancouver I also will mean no disrespect

  12. SkidmarkDave

    Yea he was clearly trying to endear himself to islanders fans after being highly underwhelming so far. Didn’t have to drag us tho

  13. nukfan94

    I refuse to be angry about any of this.

  14. papiplue

    You didn’t mean to disrespect yet you said it. fuck off Bo!!

  15. TheRealTollah

    “I can tell you that for free”

    Fuck you, Bo.

  16. schnitzel_envy

    More desperate than disrespectful. He’s underperforming after signing a big contract and trying to win over his new fan base by any means possible. Just glad we have a chance to change the locker room culture with a new captain.

  17. Calm_Breath4800

    If he meant to endear himself to Isles fans it would have made more sense to trash talk the Isles biggest rivalry. Instead he made it personal by mentioning the Canucks. Why walk it back now? You said it, own it and move on.

  18. StarkStorm

    I’m mostly pissed that my kid used their savings to buy this bums jersey.

  19. Hearing him say, this makes me not like him even more. Backpedalling little bitch.

  20. ProtoMan3

    The number of people saying “everyone here is too easily offended” is hilariously high. I’m not sitting here crying because someone said something bad about this fanbase, god knows we have seen it a lot with comments about rioting and being not that passionate compared to other Canadian fanbases. But like, anyone who says something bad about us in a blanket way clearly doesn’t care about us, and so I have no reason to overtly wish them success either. The fact that this man was made the captain, it was probably a major mistake in hindsight.

    Fun fact, when Luongo left for Florida, after dealing with much shittier judgment from fans mind you, he never said this about Vancouver. And that was a guy who actually accomplished way more here. Trevor Linden never said this about Vancouver despite literally being driven out both as a player and as an executive. I’m not going to respect someone who failed to leave an impact here only to then show no accountability when he’s gone.

    I don’t even know if I would boo him at home, I save that for people who try to genuinely hurt our team. But I’m not going to cheer for the Islanders’ success for Horvat anymore.

  21. MarvelousOxman

    PSA: You can’t have it both ways, everyone.

    If Bo’s comments don’t matter, are a fart in the wind and completely inconsequential, you can’t turn around and get mad at the fans, because their response is inconsequential too.

  22. helixflush

    #Hey, didn’t we just vote him into the all-star game?

  23. OhfursureJim

    ‘With all due respect, and remember I’m saying this with all due respect.. that ain’t worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on’

  24. JerbearCuddles

    My favorite thing about modern fandom is the “I am too cool to care” commenters. Lol. Fine, keep not caring, but this weird air of superiority that comes with it is weird. People cry for real rivalries and animosity, then when there’s finally some fuel for it, “I do not care, not sure why others do.” Horvat should have just embraced it. Sports is funner this way. The sport needs some heels.

  25. mghtymrv

    The locker room under his captaincy was reportedly dysfunctional and in chaos.

    And then you have the former captain unnecessarily throwing his old team under the bus.

    Kinda speaks a bit about the culture *he* allows and is a part of. I mean, captains are supposed to lead by example and set the team culture, and he just gave us an example of how he thinks when he’s not filtering himself.

    I don’t think it would be unreasonable to presume that Bo was part of the problem.

  26. ANarrowUrethra

    I really didn’t care until he tried to walk it back. You can’t have your cake and eat it too Bo. You want to make that kind of statement for the NY fans cool. Play the villian if you want. But you don’t get to make the statement and then say oh well I didn’t mean it, don’t be mad at me lol.

    Kinda lame if you ask me

  27. tearfear

    Why don’t people just say things and own the fact that they said them. Makes it more offensive to say I didn’t mean any disrespect, fuck off tryna have it both ways. Bo was a lousy captain and the team got better when he left.

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