@Florida Panthers

Post Game Thread: Toronto Maple Leafs at Florida Panthers – 10 Apr 2023

Panthers lose: 2 – 1 OT


by HockeyMod


  1. Alexcarusosux

    Huge point, sucks we couldn’t secure it though

  2. Boxman07

    Dang, at least the islanders lost, but would have been amazing to get the clinch

  3. MiamiBoyBrien

    I mean what else is new lol just when you begin to hope, they let you down. South Florida sports are a joke.

  4. Cman02101

    That Chucky miss in ot is gonna haunt me if we miss the playoffs

  5. CasperCann

    Now I can’t wait for that Can’t do shit since the 1960s Leafs team to lose in the first round.

  6. stalkmeo1

    How was he so open ffs shouldve skate ASAP to defend was only 20 sec left FFS

  7. PurifiedVenom

    Welp. Fuck. The OT loss is better than nothing but doesn’t really secure anything. We had the energy but looked nervous. Couldn’t finish for shit

  8. AlvinItchyCock

    Lyon tried his hardest and was fantastic but he can’t do it himself. Need to get the win at home if you are only giving up 1 goal in regulation

  9. kaeruwa

    Lmao so how many times has Tavares absolutely gutted us? The only team God hates more than the Leafs is the Panthers, prove me wrong

  10. Anerythristic

    Whats the situation to get 7th seed?

  11. Trojanmandan

    Why do goalies play so well against us 🙁

  12. scarbutt11

    So is there a way we clinch before Thursday or is it going to come down to the last game?

  13. fluffernuttin

    this team has had every opportunity to secure a playoff spot for two months now. paul maurice is a fraud and his system is flawed and proven to be ineffective.

  14. Correct-Inside-3726

    As much as this feels like a disaster the boys played great and deserved it, we got a point and the islanders lost, we are still in the drivers seat

  15. Leftycoordination

    We just need to win one game. Still control our destiny. Carolina going to come out strong for that 1 seed but they are losing Ottawa tonight. We just need to win 1.

  16. Striking-College-289

    Alright what are clinching scenarios going into Thursday

  17. ExelsioHD

    Staying up till 4 am just to see them lose in overtime is tough. Especially since its a workday lol. Lets hope by some magic er make the playoffs

  18. Margin4Error

    Tkachuk has been one of the best players in the league all year, carried the team on his back half the season…but with that being said, it’s hard not to be pissed at whatever the fuck he did in that OT. The loss isn’t solely on him, but fucking hell is it frustrating. There also seemed to be some miscommunication on a player change on that OT goal too which…hello….is on Paul Maurice.

    But let’s also point out the obvious here….we should have locked in our playoff spot days ago but the coach with the most L’s in league history is coaching our team…so our guys are playing with a handicap every single game.

  19. Dull-Broccoli

    So basically we need a regulation win to get in.

  20. Leftycoordination

    Put on your Montreal jerseys Wednesday. If they can beat the islanders we get in.

  21. MS6_Boost

    Perhaps if Tkachuk didn’t take the option for today’s skate, he would have elevated the puck…

  22. MadIrishMan17

    Really would have loved it if we clinched a spot tonight but, this was the hardest remaining game and we came out with at least a point.

    Also, it’s pretty fitting this season’s Cardiac Cats would find a way to make the very last game of the season matter. Bunch of adrenaline junkies. Everyone try and make it to the game Thursday! We’re going to need to be loud and cheer our boys into a spot!!

  23. Ok-Clock-5459

    The point isn’t too important. We need to win against Carolina, if NYI and Pitt win out and we get another loser point then we miss the playoffs.

  24. nickonater

    Blackhawks win tomorrow in regulation we clinch I think…

  25. kaeruwa

    Miss a bunch of open nets in OT in a chance to secure a playoff spot and it just evaporates into thin air in half a second lmao. God I hate being a fan of this franchise sometimes. Just so many moments like this throughout the Panthers history so I’m mad salty right now

  26. re-verse

    Toronto fan here, your team definitely earned that point.

  27. the_sylince

    Taking the heart attack right to game number 82

  28. LEDZ100

    This loser point unfortunately means next to nothing. If we only get a point against the hurricanes, the islanders will beat us on tiebreak as long as they win in regulation.

  29. rppowers14

    Hawks need to lose tonight so they bring it tomorrow without the Beddard sweepstakes effect

  30. ExtracurricularLoan

    Now that I put the noose away, could have been worse. Islanders could have won and we got the loss. But Thursday is still gonna suck.

  31. 2bit2much

    Leafs fan, I was hoping you guys would win this to clinch a spot. I’m sure you still will. Would be a wild series of Leafs vs Cats.

  32. s1lentastro1

    I’ve never wanted to dropkick Samsonov mid game so bad before.

  33. noahw1228

    I’m honestly not all that angry we lost in OT. We were scoreless until deep into the third and there was a very real chance of losing in regulation, but we got the playoff point and still control our own destiny. Let’s take care of business on Thursday. GO CATS! 😼

  34. KatelynC110100

    Forgot how much assholes leafs fans are, was going to say how good Samsonov is then said fuck it when I saw them talking shit about us on their sub. Like why are they so mad at us? 😭😂

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