@Montreal Canadiens

[NHLInjuryViz] Since 2000-2001, Montreal has led the league 6 times in man-games lost. No other team had led more than twice.

[NHLInjuryViz] Since 2000-2001, Montreal has led the league 6 times in man-games lost. No other team had led more than twice.

by Borror0


  1. Perry4761

    Either our conditioning team isn’t properly training our players to reduce injury risk, or our medical staff lets our players okay through injuries that get worse and then require longer healing periods. Perhaps a bit of both.

    ~~In any case, that’s concerning stuff, it’s wild that a team that’s been taking tons of LTIR contracts like the Coyotes isn’t in the lead more often than us.~~

  2. greasydrg

    It makes me reconsider a phrase that was being tossed around a couple years ago. I can particularly remember it being said of Luke Richardson that players would “run through a brick wall for him”.

    Not sure this has any merit, but perhaps this organization does something for players that they are more willing to put their body on the line for the team. With a fan base so passionate, and a history so rich, players are more likely to give it their all and that lack of apprehension leads to more injuries.

    I dunno, just a hypothesis.

  3. Habs_Apostle

    Yay! We are the winners!!! Do we get a trophy?! Bout damn time we got to celebrate something!

    Seriously, this is fucked up.

  4. Go_Habs_Go31

    The seasons the Habs have led the league in injuries in the past 20+ years:







  5. SpatialChase

    Remember when Begin would steamroll himself into the boards every other game trying to line up a hit. Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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