@Toronto Maple Leafs

LFR16 – Game 81 – Schennsational – Maple leafs 4, Lightning 3

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 81 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Tampa Bay Lightning. Highlights include Matthew Knies notching his 1st NHL point and Joseph Woll making 45 saves.


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  1. Your fluctuating volume is hard To listen to. I set your voice volume so it's not blaring in my earThen you start to talk quietly so I raise the volume then you start screaming again and I lower the Volume. Dude It's maddening.

  2. Kerfoot – Timmins – Knies
    Jarnkrok – Tavares – Schenn
    Bunting – Accari – Matthews
    ZAR – Kampf – Clifford

    Marner – Gio
    Woll – Holl
    Brodie – McCabe

    Rielly – Samsonov

  3. LEAFS FAN HERE. Before the game started I prayed the Leafs would bench Matthews, Marner and Samsonov. The moon gods smiled and they did exactly that. Meanwhile Tampa benched nobody. This game had a Tampa victory written all over it. Leafs were minus their 2 best players, minus their starting goalie, 2nd day of a back to back and playing IN TAMPA BAY! If the Leafs lost they could take heart that they were playing at an extreme disadvantage and not have it affect your confidence. But IF they happened to pull out a win….. WELLLLLLL!!! Tampa was the better team despite the loss, but Toronto proved something. Either team can win this series. It will come down to officiating, puck luck, bounces and injuries.

  4. This game just warmed up my hatred for the Tampa Bay Lightning. Some definite skill, to be sure, but filthy plays, cheap shots, slew foots, and vicious attempts to injure make them SO despicable. Hopefully, that garbage won’t give them any advantge this year. GO LEAFS GO!!

  5. Steve-

    full disclosure: die-hard Bruins fan that started watching your vids in… 2013, I guess it was? 😆

    I came for the Devastation,
    but stayed for the Personality.

    I wish the Bs had someone
    even Half as entertaining as You.

    hopefully see Yas in May.

  6. Arguably gets the better of him? Arguably? You playing Lil United Nations or something? Maroon didn't land a punch. It was a beat down.

  7. Leafs need to resign Schenn, this gives them 2 nasty d-men. What l don't get is why McCabe on the shutdown pairing with Brodie doesn't start the PK. Keefe has Brodie and Holl with Brodie on LD instead of RD. Then the 2nd pairing is Gio and Schenn/Liljegren. Makes ZERO sense to me.

  8. I hope Murray does not come back, if he does….itll be a short series! Samsonov and Woll are the 2 that will get us there!

  9. McCabe on the bench near the end was awesome , he was intense tonight !

    Such a great pickup for this team

  10. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PLAYOFFS!!! Oh this is gonna be great! Toronto vs Tampa, New Jersey vs The Rangers or Carolina, McDavid looking like he's ready to hoist his first Cup Colorado ready to defend the title, can't wait!!!

  11. This was nice to see. We have the guys to make sure the lightning(at least) can't bully us. I'm ok with Schenn playing in the dance for the pure reason that he can contribute and remind Tampa that this year we won't be physically pushed around. THIS game makes me (cautiously) excited…. am I allowed to say that yet? Please someone say yes lol

  12. Schennsational Part Deux. This game mattered, to both teams. Great game to watch. Only thing that concerned me was the lack of cross checking calls. Mental. Again… Bunts was being targeted by Tampa and no calls by officials. Doesn't bode well for the series. You're right Steve. This Leafs team IS different. They are present, aware and dialled in. Can't wait. The Woll…..Incredibly impressive. 1st Star, or shoulda been.

  13. Woll is an exciting W for us. It's been SOOOOOOOOOOO LONG since we had a homegrown goalie.

    Now about that Murray contract….

  14. Hey steve wolls middle name is brick …. Joseph brick woll …. Definitely a woll of a different colour. Woll he start over Swiss Cheese Murray? Murray is basically an open window …. So are we going from the window to the Woll?

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