@National Hockey League

Maybe next time

Maybe next time

by ResponsibilityNo3804


  1. ZeroOptionLightning

    Flyers fan checking in: hahahahahahahahah ::begins sobbing::

  2. toxicvegeta08

    Could be the longest drought in playoff history seeing g how the jets(nfl) do.

  3. OakNLeaf

    For a little while there, I was worried Detroit was going to be the team with the longest drought. Thanks for helping us out!

  4. LordOfTheWasteland6

    In Bruce Almighty Jim Carrey makes them win the Stanley Cup

  5. cultjake

    Dad was probably alive in 1999, when the Sabres were in the Finals against the Stars.

  6. HazardAnalysis

    We showed a lot of improvement this year. Next year, we’ll be a contender. Levi is a rockstar with nowhere to go but up! The team rallys around him, and their energy has been encouraging.

  7. AnthonyJD91

    As a Sharks fan, I forget what the playoffs look like.

  8. Eillris

    They’re not out yet… If they win both games, and pit and nyi both lose (in regulation, and at all), they make it.

    Edit: I’m wrong

  9. blondechinesehair


  10. cweisspt

    I know they hate us, but I like them. I’m rooting for em to make it next year. I feel confident they will.

  11. OrganicMechanicTTV

    Quick, throw them another #1 pick! Surely that will do it.

  12. Duckzgo

    To be fair? Sabres has a bright future. They have an enormous amount of cap space. They are like Anaheim at the moment leading the league with it. Could be a lot worst like some of these other teams Sabres fans with horrible contracts and no draft picks.

  13. The Sabres would be 10x more exciting in the playoffs than the panthers/isles/penguins. I stand by that

  14. user762828

    Next year they are gonna be a tough competitor

  15. mauser98k1998

    I really wanted them to have to go up against Ullmark in the first round.

  16. Electronic_Nail

    They just need some goaltending and they will be there

  17. Bigdoga1000

    Got a great team to improve improve on tho. Tage Thompson is sick

  18. KidcoreJae

    You’re on the way up, Sharks on the way down, and neither of us get happiness at the moment 🤣

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