@National Hockey League

What is the deal with Dallas’ bench tits!?

I swear, any time this team sniffs the playoffs they’re out in force.

by mellamoesmud


  1. Disastrous-Group4521

    Pete looks like he approves

  2. JeffUhUhUhGoldblum

    My wife and I both noticed them.

  3. VanderHalifax

    Sssshhh… You’ll scare them away.

  4. 55ylbub

    I remember when the kings put a pornstar behind new jerseys bench during 2012 Stanley Cup. Worked perfectly.

  5. I once heard that everything is bigger in Texas.

  6. TheHungrySymbiote

    Over the shoulder season ticket holder.

  7. The_Shelved_Carrot

    I remember the red mile in Calgary when they were in the Stanley Cup Finals against Tampa Bay in 2004. Shirts off for Kiprusoff.

  8. gibbyhikes

    The Stars fan base has been called the “Cocaine and boob job crowd” for good reason.

  9. silverbean

    Didn’t this happen when he was coaching the devs?

  10. vbcbandr

    That’s standard in Dallas. Big hair, big boobs. They definitely dress for it knowing they’ll be on tv.

  11. mosinzach

    Everything’s better and bigger in Texas duh

  12. bingbong1976

    What’s the deal? They’re real, and they’re spectacular

  13. puckOmancer

    At least he’s wearing a green hoodie over them.

  14. This_Cable_5849

    “I never go to the arena without a nice pair of tits in honking distance” – Peter

  15. petridish21

    There are always tits right behind Pete.

  16. MetsRule1977

    It’s pronounced DeBoer, not Bench Tits.

  17. Mobile-Importance-74

    I’ll take any bench tits over these bitch tits I got

  18. Barilko-Landing

    Everything’s bigger in Texas?? 🧐

  19. Small-Salamander3303

    I guess it’s a holy tradition at this point.

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