@Minnesota Wild

Dallas Stars vs Minnesota Wild Series Picks & Preview

Steve, Jesse and Adam discuss the Round 1 Stanley Cup Playoffs series between the Minnesota Wild and Dallas Stars.

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  1. The Dallas Stars also have depth scoring across all four lines of their offense as well as from their defensive pairs

  2. Honestly Miro Heiskanen was just as insane in the Calgary series last year as the bubble playoffs. Dude was the only noticeably good player for the stars besides Jake Oettinger in that series

  3. These guys realize Dallas hired a new coach before this season and was 4th in the league in goals per game right?

  4. Ok, so, I understand why someone would think that the offense in this series would be nearly nonexistent based on previous seasons and playoff appearances, but the Stars have a player who scored over 100 points this season, a top 5 power play percentage, 7 players who scored 20+ goals this season, and production from the top of the lineup to the bottom. Their offense is impressive by virtually any measure.

    While it may not be as impressive as teams like Edmonton or New Jersey, it is right up there with the best in the league. Compare their stats with the Leafs, for example, and you will see that their production can almost go toe to toe with them. This wasn’t the case the last few seasons, but it is true now. If you don’t think this team has a high powered offense, then you just haven’t been watching very closely to their work this season.

    Should be a fun series against Minnesota given the history, and I think that the offensive production will be somewhat similar to the Tampa/Toronto series. Only time will tell, though!

  5. Dallas is 7th in the league in GF… several spots ahead of the Leafs. Not sure why you guys think they play suffocating hockey.

  6. Adam is a such a douche bag. Wouldn’t be surprised if this series is more exiting than the leafs vs TB.

  7. Dallas has become a little less boring. But this is playoff Dallas, so I'm not expecting much. God forbid there is an Islander- Wild final. Every game would be 1-0

  8. Is Jesse just stupid? The Stars are a top 10 offense in the NHL. They are a +66 in goal differential. You have obviously not seen a single stars game this season. Pretty stupid.

  9. Really disappointed in this video. What was the point of even making it when it’s obvious y’all don’t know much about these teams besides the few times the Leafs play them? I love the guys of SDP, but if y’all do want to cover more of the league, please watch a few highlight clips of how the teams are actually performing and what’s going on. Just making videos for views.

  10. I actually think this will be a great series, and I could see Kaprizov stealing it honestly like he nearly did last year

  11. The goalie who screws up will be Fleury. I am a Wild fan since day one and detest the very Idea of Dallas Stars. That said– Fleury is trash

  12. Not only is this not the first green v green matchup, this isn't even the first time Minnesota and Dallas are playing each other. They met in 2016 when Dallas won in 6. Same thing is gonna happen this year.

  13. It’s clear that y’all have not watched many Stars games this year. The Stars were 4th in the league in g/gp, the majority of their games they scored 4+. This is not the same team as last year or the year before.

    They had a top 5 PP%, top 3 PK% and scored more than 10 SHG.

    Robertson scored over 100 points, Heiskanen had 73 points. JAMIE BENN had over 70 points. Hintz and Pavelski also had over 70 points. People on all four lines score.

    Stars in 5 or 6.

  14. Tell us you know you know nothing about the Stars without saying you know nothing about the Stars

  15. Im not even a fan of either of these teams but 4 minutes compared to 11 for the leafs? Also almost nothing of substance in this video.

  16. They really mailed it in with this one, these guys haven't watched a second of either of these teams

  17. cmon guys. its boring because you have no idea what's going on with either team. there is star power on both sides, legacies being cemented or slipping away, and its high stakes insanely important hockey to anyone who actually knows these teams.

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