@Toronto Maple Leafs

[Joe Bowen] For those of you trying to sync our radio call to your TV, first of all thank you!! @Jim_Ralph and I will endeavour to say “The Puck Is Dropped” to start each period to assist your efforts

[Joe Bowen] For those of you trying to sync our radio call to your TV, first of all thank you!! @Jim_Ralph and I will endeavour to say “The Puck Is Dropped” to start each period to assist your efforts

by mgnorthcott


  1. DougFordsGamblingAds

    What a great dude!

    I got this working last night using the Chrome Extension “Global Speed”. Here is my set up:

    1. Download Global Speed from the Chrome Webstore
    2. Click the gear icon and got to the shortcut editor
    3. Find the seek short cuts (Default Z and X) and change the values to from -5, 10 to -1, +1. This gives you more accurate control.
    4. Stream the radio broadcast and video feed in different tabs.
    5. To adjust the timing, click the extension, make sure at the bottom of window the correct feed is selected, then use Z and X to match things up. This way you can delay either the video or radio broadcast as needed.

    Was much more enjoyable to listen to Joe!

  2. IlikeTurtles1308

    This man is wonderful I just hope we can win one before he retires

    Would be the best call ever. Bro has had to call so many brutal games he deserves ring as much as the players

  3. RattledRed

    What a beauty!


    Win for Bowen! I want nothing more than to hear his call on the winning game.

  4. mcmike8

    I was thinking of giving this a try. Craig Simpson is a moron. Is he just the default must do all games now? “I like Keefe challenging that goal that cost them a 5-3 for 2 full minutes on a play they just reviewed on video and said was a good goal.” He said several dumb things like this.

  5. toronto_programmer

    Imagine it being the year 2023 and having to coordinate a radio play by play with your TV via a series of apps and extensions just to have a quality sports watching experience…

  6. Lord_TyrionLannister

    This is amazing! We love you Joe!

  7. TheGreatJatsby

    He should message the leafs as well and let them know the puck has dropped

  8. Game-83-and-on

    Thank you Joe !

    Now if I could only get my Bud red light in sync. I upgraded to Rogers Ignite (tv over wifi) and there is about a 25 second delay between live action and the broadcast. I had to turn the light off – it would go-off well in advance. It was quite the spoiler-alert!!

  9. kstarr12

    Bluetooth speaker and mute the TV works like a charm 👌

  10. Mojo_Zowa

    My friend works in advertising and has a theory that the anti-Leaf announcers used by the bigger companies are to cater to non0Leaf fans watching the broadcast. They know actual fans will watch anyway as many have little or no options to (legally) watch elsewhere.
    Seems about right.

    Many away announcers say more positive things about the Leafs then the home guys do. And the seem ( all of them) to be totally fine cheering for their team while acknowledging good hockey happening .

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