@Detroit Red Wings

Breaking down Raymond’s Sophmore Year – not nearly as bad as some people like to think

[Credit to wingedwheelmedia on Instagram for this.](

by ChucklesLeClown


  1. SpiritBamba

    Our whole team took the decision of over passing this year imo. That has to be a conscious decision through coaching because I saw a lot of opportunities where they just passed it. We consistently got less than 25 shots too. When newsy talked about how he needs to evolve offensively as a coach maybe he was talking about that a little bit.

  2. Yeah his year was rather solid for a 1st/2nd line winger. He’ll only get better

  3. magikarp-sushi

    Year 3 could be a difference maker then.

  4. dontcaredontcaer

    It really wasn’t bad at all. I expect him to look even better next year after a summer of training and going into next season with a more structured roster around him.

  5. 4plates1barbell

    He’s going to be great next year. Genuinely one of the most talented shooters on the team (not a high bar I know) and he will learn to weaponize that. I’m expecting 25 goals/35 assists next year as a lower bound. A big factor in this is how he’s utilized on PP vs last year. Really want them to make him a focal point for the PP, he really should be pulling the strings out there

  6. Wakattack00

    While the point drop off doesn’t seem super large, I think his on ice play looked a bit worse. One area for me at least that seemed like it took a bit of a downturn was his patience.

    Last offseason I praised his patience for such a young player in comparison to another young guy in Zadina who a lot of times looked like he was playing hot potato with the puck. This season though I think teams were taking his space away more and once you get one too many times you start getting rid of that puck a bit earlier than maybe he should to let a play develop.

    I do think he needs to work on his skating just a bit. He seemed a half step slow in a lot of games especially once he came back from the injury. Not everyone can skate like Larkin, so in that we are a bit spoiled, but he could use a half step more speed and acceleration imo.

  7. CalgaryCheekClapper

    Kinda expected for this year. He had a very rough start. That being said, if he dosen’t pick up his scoring next couple years ill be a little concerned that he’ll never reach a very high ceiling

  8. Wandering_the_Way

    Yeah, I’m not at all worried about Raymond and Seider, they already proved their potential, they just need to improve their game which they surely will.

  9. ColdSplit

    I’m going to say 65+ points for him next year. A little strategic retooling during the off season, maybe a more reliable line mate on the other wing, and he’s off to the races. Way too good of a player not to.

  10. M3merCS

    Raymond is an incredible young talent. I think it was partly because of his injury and partly the mental game of being moved to and from the first line. I have no doubts that year three will see him come into his own and be the winger we know he can be

  11. Ohhellnowhatsupdawg

    A young player passing too often doesn’t bother me. He’s learning how to balance his offensive game. Defensively he was much better than last season, which is extremely important, so I don’t consider this to be a “down” year at all.

  12. the_timinator_dude

    This is the breakdown I needed thank you.

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