@Calgary Flames

Found in the thrifty today

Found in the thrifty today

by Eggwhiskandthebeats


  1. Pengy403

    They sold those replica rings at gas stations. Neat find

  2. Bri_Guy88

    100% one of the ones that came free in a 24 pack of budweiser a few years ago.

  3. Erkules19

    I’ve seen the real one. It doesn’t have these bright colors on em.

  4. blackandcopper

    Bro what’s going on with your thumb

  5. had-me-at-bi-weekly

    Lanny McDonald let me wear his at the dome for a couple minutes when I was a kid. I will never forget it, that guys is as classy as they come.

  6. azndestructo

    I have a bag full of these lol. One of my buddies was getting them at The Canadian Brewhouse several years back.

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