@Edmonton Oilers

POST-RAW | Jay Woodcroft 04.21.23

Jay addresses the media about his thoughts on the Oilers 3-2 loss in Game 3 of the first round.


  1. There it is!!!!
    Crap question to end the interview. Reporters need to KNOW wtf they’re talking about.

  2. If the oilers lose this series it's because they are willing to risk being called for bullshit calls.Too risky can't get away with anything so don't do anything they might call . Frustrating. Easier said than done.

  3. Oiler in 4. I mean Oilers in 5. No, Oilers in 6. Cherry picking wins championships right?

  4. of course he's going to say it was a high stick.. Of course he's going to say it was a high stick. he doesn't know for sure.. Get F'd you suckass .. .Kings in 6 .. F the Oilers! GOKINGSGO

  5. Leon is a star player but man does he make risky costly plays. He’s been taking stupid penalties too. And in the last goal why was Darnell nurse in the trapezoid? The guy give me anxiety watching him play.

  6. Stop. Drawing. Penalties. 🤦🏼‍♂️ my god when the whistle is blown, sure do a little jab or two then GTFO. Don’t engage unless you are gonna drop the gloves. How hard is that… and don’t do anything dumb during a celebration… GO CELEBRATE. NOT PROVOKE 🙄

  7. The puck literally hit the stick, it's so blatantly obvious from the three or four angles we have…

  8. Wwwhhhaaaaaaa 😢😢😢😢😢😢 take your loss like a man. Figure out your team's game plan… don't blame the refs. Maybe just having McDavid and draisaitl with no defense or goaltending wasn't the smartest idea of a game plan. But hey there's always next season

  9. FYI "the Greatest Player in the World" isn't wearing the stripes with a whistle so he's not making the on ice calls. Besides it was Toronto that initiated the review not the on ice refs. I've never seen a goal disallowed for a ref missing a stopage call. So arrogant. GKG!!!

  10. LOL seriously the greatest player was NOT 3 feet away he was more like 30 feet away Go back and watch it again and again at least 20 feet away and obviously the play was reviewed several times and it clearly did not touch the stick GAME OVER get over it you had 3-1 lead and you blew it blame it on the coach not the refs or the replays!!!!!!!

  11. Its easy to say stop taking stupid penalties when its the refs that determine what a penalty is. Its just discouraging when all the STUPID PENATIES are called on one tean when there are two teams making the same so called STUPID PLAYS.

  12. If the Arvksson barrel roll isn’t embellished, there is no such thing. Same with the dursy flop. Don’t even get me started on the Dria and Ekholm calls. Totally brutal.

  13. What do you have in Jay Woodcroft? A diamond? A pearl? How many more team defeats do you need to make it clear that all the problems lie in the mediocrity of coaching decisions? During the season, the team lost more than once, leading the score, because of stupid deletions, the coach is not able to establish discipline. I have already written that the same thing will happen in the playoffs – a complete lack of discipline. All the same clumsily compiled links. However, Leon and Connor play in different links, and this does not bring the team anything but problems. It's a pity for the guys who are trying, struggling, but they are hostages of the coach, who does not see the potential of the team, cannot adjust the game without deletions, does not understand that in order to unlock Connor's potential, he must play with Leon, not with Hyman…Do you think something will get better? Only if Mcdee drags this wrecked car further on himself again. Without Connor's work in the regular season, if you remove his goals and assists, the team would not even have reached the playoffs, and this indicates a complete failure of the coach. Do you like the way he gives interviews? You should like how your team is winning, but this is not, because giving interviews and setting up a game are different things. A person is not able to accept his own mistakes, a person deliberately destroyed Leon and Connor's bundle in order to look like a coach with interesting solutions, but it looks stupid and cheap. And I have big doubts that he is able to admit the failure of his work for the sake of the team and try to fix something. He really likes to see himself with a smart face on the cameras. And that's all you can expect from a team with this coach.

  14. Maybe the Oilers are over rated and the Kings are under estimated. Oilers making the same mistakes each game and the Kings are getting better.

  15. EDMONTON if you want to win the CUP ! BENCH THE $9.2 MILLION DOLLAR DILDO !
    HE IS ON THE ICE FOR ALL GOALS against / cant stand up !

  16. Overtime in the playoffs either at home or on the road is a chase to a line of glory that you must skate through not to. Good luck Oilers your fans believe in your 100 percent best effort. Game 4 is within reach from your position of progression. 🕹

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