@Los Angeles Kings

Jonathan Quick Loses Temper, Smashes Miles Wood’s Stick

Miles Wood gave Quick one too many jabs resulting in Quick smashing Wood’s stick over the post. Quick would get a penalty for unsportsmanlike on the play.


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  1. I mean…. He should be mad for many reasons. He should be more mad that the Kings are trash this season and they just lost to the Devils who are also trash this season. But I'm glad Kovalsuck isn't having much success in the NHL. Can't wait until his vagina heals up so we can beat them at the Rock.

  2. I'm a Kings fan and I love Quick. 2 Stanley Cups. But i think we should trade him and get some value for him while we still can. Our young backup Cal is great… it's our offense that needs work

  3. I love it! Doesnt even have to pull it back! Just thrust it to the post!BOOM! Easy snap 😂

  4. At least someone on the team is showing passion and God knows we need more fire lit under the asses of the team and Go Kings Go!

  5. I lost my temper too when he kept poking at my boys stick! They have so many sticks they don’t care but quick should’ve done that! Go kings go

  6. Miles Wood continued to jab quick with his stick even after the whistle. Honestly refs should penalize players when they do this. Extremely dangerous for the goaltender

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