@Pittsburgh Penguins

What’s Up With Sidney Crosby?

Recently Sidney Crosby has been acting out of character so let me know what you think.

#Crosby #Penguins #NHL


  1. I see a hockey player being a hockey player . Zegras shot the puck after whistle that always warrants a scrum and Crosby got a cross check to the back(not a serious one) and he stood up for himself . People making a mountain out of mole hill because it’s Crosby .

  2. they actually did call a cross check on anderson crosby just got a 10 for encountering anderson on his way to the box

  3. the referees are the most vital part of the game. yep. not the players. the refs re such a thankless profession, constantly attacked, why would anyone bother? no wonder the talent pool shrinks until no one will do the job. then it will be interesting to see a hockey game try to take place.
    sports fans in general = dumb

  4. Maybe he's just had enough of people's garbage and making it known. The league has plenty of lousy officials and everyone knows it.

  5. It's sad that the coaches and players can't express themselves about the refs. It's censorship at the highest level of hockey

  6. Man, if I was making the money that Crosby is making what’s 25 grand to put the refs in their place. I’d even have checks ready that just need a date to send the NHL.

  7. Lets be honest, at 9:46 of the 3rd period the difference between a 10 minute misconduct and game misconduct is 14 seconds, at most. I officiated hockey to the level of US Women's tryouts, at all levels players and coaches got multiple warnings to stop contesting plays and in the NHL they let it go much farther than I ever did. My point is that he has likely been riding on his reputation to oppose the referees on the ice throughout most of his career but a ref finally told him to shut up by imposing, at most, an additional 14 second penalty considering the game conditions. As far as the NHL silencing criticism of officials in post game interviews; I don't really have a problem with it as they are still acting in game production capacity; if the player or coach went on social media, a podcast, or news program the next day and made comments disparaging to the officiating then I would feel the league does not have the right to control their language as it was no longer part of their broadcast.

  8. Sidney dove so hard in the Kings game trying to draw a penalty. The "Cross-check" was not hard but he through his right foot into the air to make it look worse. I assume the referee noticed this and the conversation around it is what led to his penalties.

  9. (1) Crosby was justified.
    (2) The filter is meant to stifle any criticism… not… good… b/c the refs ARE fallible human beings.

  10. Zegras is a still practically a kid for christ sake and just having fun. Ofcourse he should take his skill and job seriously, but is he not allowed to have fun at work. That's the end goal, enjoy what you do. Is Sid ever having fun anymore or is he just a sourpuss any year he might not be in the playoffs.

  11. When you toss the NHLs golden boy the league will discretely do something about it.

  12. After the whistle jawing is a constant in the NHL's version of hockey. It is accepted and almost never results in a penalty. Crosby chasing the ref afterwards warrants a penalty clearly however the player to player jawing is standard operating procedure. The NHL lost Mario to a lack of patience with NHL rule of law, now Crosby is losing his patience.

  13. Pens need an extra gritty player or 2 that can keep opponents honest and can battle in front of the net. Crosby just feels he needs to play that role since they don’t have much of that on the roster.

  14. I don’t like that the players and coaches can’t talk about blatantly bad calls in their own games. I could see it eventually getting annoying, but they’re human beings who deserve to express their feelings, especially when they’re all so passionate about this game.

  15. The league is a joke when it comes to defending refs. A 25k fine for what Paul said is embarrassing to think about. No profanity, or disrespectful language at all. Just an opinion can get you fined. I don't know if it's a union thing with the refs but it needs to stop because there are some games that refs get away with murder and nobody is held accountable.

  16. They did call a penalty on Anderson and Crosby went after Anderson while Anderson was on the way to the box and he ended up getting a penalty for it, but what he actually got ejected for was refusing to leave the ice and go to the box after he got called for the penalty he just kept skating around the Ref complaining about the call so they ejected him.. The refs gave him a while to go to the box too it's not like he complained about the call for a few seconds and they ejected him right away, he complained about it for like two minutes before they had enough lol

  17. If Sid goes all Brendan Lemieux and begins biting people, then it's meaningful. As it is, it's just so much noise.

  18. The fact that there’s a rule barring players and coaches from free speech means that the refs are 10 ply.

  19. Freedom of speech is a basic human right. Not to get all deep with it, but I think players, coaches, staff even refs themselves should be able to express their thoughts and opinions without the nose of the league around their throats.

  20. i mean hes had millions of eyes critiquing his every move since he was a teenager. He's prob just sick of playing the nice guy charade.

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