@National Hockey League

Evander Kane’s Instagram Story regarding young Oilers fan’s experience in LA

Evander Kane’s Instagram Story regarding young Oilers fan’s experience in LA

by Public_Radio-


  1. SteakMan43

    La in a nutshell. Full of classless demon spawns.

  2. What the fuck man. Who spits on a kid?
    I mean, sure, give her shit, make jokes, it’s all in good fun. But genuine harassment?

  3. cerb7575

    If I was a LA fan or not, I see a POS spit on a kid with cancer that ahole will be kissing the pavement.

  4. BubbaSpanks

    Why would any adult harass a kid for supporting whatever team they like (total fucktard). Sucks even more poor kid has cancer. The messed up part is no one jumped in to help her. Gotta love LA fans….

  5. Expensive-Election-5

    What the actual fuck is wrong with some people

  6. Fastsmitty47

    I loved seeing young Kings fans at TD Garden this year. Fans traveling to other arenas spreads love for the game and loyalty

  7. nathaniel29903

    As a kings fans 100% agree with kane

  8. smokylimbs

    Bottom of the barrel behaviour. That’s awful.

  9. Blueishgreeny

    There’s been quite a few ugly moments, I hope this is not a trend, who would do that and to a little kid, seriously disturbing behaviour.

  10. _dfromthe6

    This is really pathetic. Whoever spat on her should be in jail right now and how disgusting of a human being does that anyways especially to a young girl. 😡

  11. How did the guy who **literally assaulted the little girl** by spitting on her not get the snot knocked out of him immediately..?

  12. duncandisorder

    I don’t care what team jersey they’re wearing. You never mess with kids at a hockey game.

    People who would think it would be a good idea to harass a kid must have serious issues…

  13. makeanewblueprint

    Disgusting behaviour by a fan base like that.

  14. LoanedWolf666

    I’m sure this kind of behaviour is not exclusive to LA. There’s idiots everywhere.

  15. KDP31180

    I’m all for fans having fun and chirping players, hell chirp each other if both sides are willing. But leave kids and spitting out of it. What’s wrong with people

  16. Round_Spread_9922

    *Harassing an innocent 5 year old girl*

    **Oh no!**

    *Harassing an innocent 5 year old girl who is also battling cancer*

    **Oh hell no!**

  17. Wooden_Proposal_1615

    Man this guy just can’t miss since his arrival in Edmonton. I’m in no way an Oiler fan, this guy is turning into a very good bounce back story. Props to you Mr. Kane.

  18. Pleasant_Ad9415

    Actually sickening. No one should take sports that seriously at all especially to the extent to assaulting and harassing children. Leave the kids out of it what the fuck is wrong with people!!

  19. rhunter99

    Sports fans across the leagues can be the absolute worst. Good on Kane for calling them out and standing up for her

  20. fitemeplz

    I’m a Kings fan and fuck whoever did this. Absolutely inappropriate, no person (kid especially) should have to be subjected to this. There has been an Oilers fan on twitter doxxing Kings fans. They doxxed the person who spit on this girl and they also doxxed a high schooler earlier in the series after Vilardi’s non-high stick call. I’m worried about what’s gonna happen after the series.

    I know it’s not all Oilers fans just the same as it isn’t all Kings fans who are insane but people PLEASE calm down

  21. Skarimari

    Glad to see this spreading far and wide. Maybe that POS will see what everyone thinks of her and feels enough shame to never behave like that again. If only she could be identified and barred from the arena for life.

  22. BreakerOf_Chains

    As an Oilers fan who has lived in Calgary my entire life. I must say I’ve gone to many BoA’s including game 2 last year in the playoffs and even with our rivalry most fans are pretty respectful and just want to have friendly banter which I am fine with. But to do that to a fucking child is beyond embarrassing, I know it’s a select few but if I saw an Oilers fan do that to an LA child fan I would knock that fucker out.

  23. comacove

    man, that makes my insides hurt. fuck that person. going after a kid? really?

  24. VocationFumes

    You know you done real bad when fuckin Evander Kane has the be the morality police for you

  25. Stu420Pedaso

    As a Kings fan, I’m appalled at this. Absolutely no place for this. This person would have been given a boot shower by anyone I know who would have seen that. I hope she knows that the majority of Kings fans would never had let that stand.

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