@Tampa Bay Lightning

Morgan Rielly hit on Brayden Point – Have your say!

Morgan Rielly sent Brayden Point crashing into the boards. After a full line scrum and a lot of discussion the officials opted to call a major and review it. After review they decided it was no penalty at all. Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. Easy to figure out who is a Toronto fan in the comments. This was ruled out to be not a penalty? Really? We can argue 2 or 5… but not that it was a clean hit. This was a push within a meter form the board. Dirty hit. Should have been a 5 and 2 games on top. You argue on this? I guess that's because your team hasn't won a round in 19 years.

  2. Clean, NHL getting softer by the day if these kinds of hits are now in question. Pussification of the league continues.

  3. Point initiated the contact and lost the physical battle. I can understand that they called it a major live, and I agree with their decision to rescind the penalty after review.

  4. At the very least it's interference since he's hitting a player who doesn't have the puck and who's going for it

  5. Point turned into Riley to try and brace for impact at that point it’s all about who is stronger and going to stay on their skates, by no means was it dirty on Riley’s part, everything after that was a show and the Bolts tried to get the Leafs into sucker fights. This shit show imo cost the Bolts the game.

  6. Should’ve been boarding all these comments don’t know hockey and are leafs fans. Put the vid on slow you can see Reilly started the contact extending his arms. All point did was try to embrace the impact and slow down

  7. Not so much a hit as just strength on strength. Point has to realize he isn't going to win that battle and bail out. He's fortunate Reilly eased up and took some of the force by bracing his right arm against the glass.

  8. Just unfortunate the way it happened, the puck was there, he anticipated him getting the puck and it wasn't from behind, it was side on, clean hit!

  9. What I see clearly is Reilly pushing off on Point with both hands on the stick sending Point into the boards. You see the action in his right elbow. What I don't know is the exact rule as to whether or not this is a penalty.

  10. Point got in Reilly's path and stopped up and initiated contact, that injury was completely on Point

  11. Reilly did just fine. Not Reillys fault if Point loses his balance and slides into the boards.

  12. Good clean hit. Point trying his best to get the penalty call. Collapsing on the way to the bench LMFAO. Dude was never hurt. Stayed on the bench and will be perfectly fine in game 4.

  13. Looks like all 50 people who live in Canada are on the message board, but somehow they don’t understand hockey. Reilly is clearly behind Point, look at the skates when the hit occurs. Point trying to protect himself and turning towards Reilly is the only thing that makes this dirty play look better for Reilly. The nhl has clearly changed how boarding is called over the last few years , if a player is in a vulnerable position a few feet from the boards then this is always called boarding as it should be.

    The dirty hits on Cernak , Colton last night (cross check to face), and #23 from a soft team like the Maple Leafs should be taken into consideration on the Reilly hit.

  14. This is another one I don't quite get the furor, along with the Pavelski hit earlier. I see Point slightly ahead of Reilly, and Point initiated the contact by attempting to reverse hit or block Reilly, but loses that battle. I can't imagine that could be a major. I'd be okay with a minor, but given that Reilly pushed him to the side, and far enough from the board Point landed on his hand and arm 5 feet from the boards, I'm okay with no penalty as well.

  15. All these butthurt Tampa fans clearly don’t understand hockey or what hoarding means. Point literally slides into the board on his hands and he is the one who initiated the contact by cutting in front of Rielly’s line, while slowing down as he approached the boards, They both then embrace for the contact/puck battle and Point quickly loses an edge or balance and slides into the boards and Reilly extends his arm to brace himself from pancaking Point into next year.

    You wanna see boarding? Look up the hit Maroon lays out on McCabe in OT. He was 2 feet from the board and he hits him on the numbers with full force and crushed him… no call. You guys need to take the blinders off.

  16. I feel that it should have been called. It might be because I am a die hard point fan but if you slow it down you can see that he extended his stick which causes him to face forward fly into the boards.

  17. It's literally the definition of boarding. In real time this should be called 100% of the time.

  18. Title on video is incorrect. This isn't remotely close to a hit. It's just two guys with speed fighting for space and one of them losing balance. A hit is a body-check.

  19. It was interference, just like Makar on McCann who received a 1-game suspension. The only difference here is it’s Toronto.

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