@Edmonton Oilers

Edmonton Oilers fans REALLY don’t like Will Ferrell right now #shorts


  1. Will Ferrell going all in is great for the sport, and great for the Oilers. I am an Oilers fan, but seeing Will supporting his team all in made me like him 100 times more. That I like him does not mean I do not want to beat him.

  2. Will Ferrell is doing a service, we need more celebrities to be seen as blatant, outspoken fans of hockey and not just seat-warmers in the stands because they were paid to attend or got free tickets in their swag bags or something. I thought it was absolutely wonderful to see him enjoying himself and giving his all. Good for him!

    (That being said, yes, he is my sworn enemy at the moment. Our battle will be legend!)

    It's weird, the NHL in the late 80's to 90's seemed to have some mainstream momentum going; "Friends" had an episode where a couple of them casually went to a Rangers game, Ferris Buellers's friend wore a Red Wings jersey, Wayne Gretzky was such a household name that even people living under a rock knew who he was, etc. The NHL, while of course never overtaking the NFL, MLB and NBA in terms of popularity, was not all that rare to catch in some small way or another on TV.
    And then in the 2000's the momentum just…disappeared.

    Keep showing Will Ferrell at Kings games, Snoop Dogg at Ducks games, Jon Hamm at the St. Louis Blues, and so on! It's a great thing.

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